Thursday, June 10, 2010

Libs pass the Cons budget, again

On Tuesday the following 30 Liberals passed the Cons budget bill by not showing up for the vote :

Larry Bagnell, Carolyn Bennett, Gerry Byrne, Denis Coderre, Irwin Cotler, Jean-Claude D'Amours, Ruby Dhalla, Stéphane Dion, Ujjal Dosanjh, Ken Dryden, Martha Hall Findlay, Hedy Fry, Albina Guarnieri, Andrew Kania, Jim Karygiannis, Derek Lee, Gurbax Malhi, Keith Martin, John McKay, Dan McTeague, Bernard Patry, Glen Pearson, Bob Rae, Pablo Rodriguez, Todd Russell, Michael Savage, Alan Tonks, Bryon Wilfert, Borys Wrzesnewskyj and Peter Milliken

Click on the name to see their full voting record.

Ignatieff termed the budget a "dumpster bill" and "an abuse of power" for, among other omnibus outrages, its provision to give the environment minister the power to bypass environmental assessments on major projects he wants passed. Then the Libs passed the dumpster bill, as they have every Con budget since Harper came to power 2008. (Thanks for the correction, Jurist)


  1. In fairness, the "every Con budget since Harper came to power" isn't accurate, as the 2006 and 2007 budgets passed with the support of the Bloc. But it may be all the worse that the Libs' excuse for opposition has only grown more feeble with time.

  2. Wow, that's the shittiest news I've heard in a while. They never did separate the wheat from the chaff did they? So the cons have a green light to do all the things they've wanted to lately. Sell off the rest of the medical reactors to private hands etc.,etc. & etc.

  3. Absolutely revolting.

  4. Remind me, what is it we're supposed to vote for again?

  5. This also begins the move towards undercutting Canada Post as they move towards privatizing it.

    Who needs those pesky environmental assessments. After all, BP does just fine without those.

    FUCK. your blog Alison
