Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Areaman moves to Maclean's

It's been pretty difficult to find any humour in G20, hasn't it?
Inside - a billion dollar bunfest in which leaders talk about implementng austerity.
Outside - 20,000 police decline to confront a hundred or so rioters in favour of spending the following day assaulting and arresting a thousand nonviolent citizens and locking them up in cages for a day.

Undaunted by the emergence of uglier and uglier police stories, culminating in the one where police yank off an amputee's prosthetic leg and order him to hop to his own arrest, Maclean's has apparently asked Areaman from The Onion do its unsigned front page cover story this week.
Some highlights from Lock them up :

anxiety over the behaviour of police is wildly overdone ... arrests and claims of police brutality need to be kept in perspective.

Only the professionalism and preparedness of police prevented circumstances from being much worse.

Many of the complaints seem to involve the quality of the sandwiches in detention.

At the end of the day, debate over street violence, protest and police ought to be secondary to the summit’s practical achievements. ... The role of formal summits is largely to provide world leaders with an opportunity to mingle and pose for a group photo.

Yup, that's Areaman alright.


  1. The photo used is just too perfect.

    I do have one question about Areaman. Is he/she the result of an ill-advised carnal union and/or some freak experiment in mashing up the DNA of Monte Solberg and Christie Blatchford?

  2. Aw shit, area man died yesterday after writing his first Maclean's column-
    Funeral Saturday for area man who drowned on camping trip

    Although news item suspiciously reads like it was written by area man.


  3. Ian : Lol! Oh well, plenty more where he came from.

    dBOs : Plus, David Harris makes comparisons to Hezbollah and the Tamil Tigers, Peter Worthington says "Forget about it", and Eric Duhaime's headline goes : "Who's to blame for G0 mess? Unions".

    I expect we'll get several of these a day for a while and then another poll asking whether peeps agree.
