Friday, April 29, 2011

Orange Crush Friday : Cons-37, NDP-33, Libs-19

An Angus Reid poll of 3,003 Canadians on April 28 and 29 
NDP now in second place in Ontario!

EKOS Poll of 3,353 Canadians on April 26-28, 2011 in a dual landline/cell phone sampling

 Nanos : Cons - 36%, NDP - 31%, Libs - 22%, Bloc - 5.7%, Greens - 4% 
in a three day rolling average poll of 1,200 Canadians.
.Harris Decima : Cons - 35%, NDP - 30%, Libs - 22%, Greens - 7%, Bloc - 5% 
in a poll of 1,011 Canadians from April 20 -27

Ipsos Reid  : Cons - 38%, NDP - 33%, Libs - 18%, Bloc -7%, Greens - 4%
in a poll of 1,710 Canadians from April 26 -28.
Ipsos Reid also has the NDP in second place in Ontario at 34% with the Libs at 21%.
.Leger Marketing : C 36; N 31; L 21; B 7


  1. I'm going to go to bed for the next week if this keeps up. It hardly seems possible that the good guys might win for once.

    On second thought, better stay wide awake. If Layton gets anywhere near power, or if Harpy loses it by any means whatsoever, we are all going to have to be on alert. Slime Boy won't die easily and he has absolutely no sense of honor or honesty.

  2. Sunsin, at the rate these polls are climbing for the NDP, in another week they'd have a majority :)
