Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Orange Crush Wednesday : Cons-34, NDP-31, Libs-22

Poll of voting intentions of 3,150 Canadians last night via Forum Research and The Hill Times.
Forum Research Seat Projection : Cons - 137, NDP - 108, Libs - 60
Interesting details on the fight for key urban ridings in Toronto and Montreal also at The Hill Times.

Voters aged 18 to 24 : NDP -33%, Cons - 20%, Libs -18%.
Voteres aged 25 to 34 : NDP - 37%.
Voters aged 65 and over : Cons - 45%.

Best PM : Layton - 33%, Harper - 32%, Ignatieff - 14%


EKOS : Survey of 2,792 Canadians aged 18 and over on April 24 to 26

NANOS : A three day rolling average of 1,020 Canadians conducted from April 23 to 26

Of course not everyone is happy about it :

Global : Will the Orange Crush crash?
"After a sudden surge in Jack Layton’s popularity last week, there’s some speculation that the NDP’s “orange crush” may be crashing as the leader’s economic policies are coming under close scrutiny. "
Dear Global : Blow me.

Update : Ditto the G&M : Will Layton raise your mortgage payments?
handily debunked by Pogge, who has already warned us about The Masters of the Universe waking up.

Love this from Thwap : Dear Corporate Shills: Fuck Off
What he said.