Sunday, May 29, 2011

One of these things is not like the others

Harper, Obama talk plans for perimeter security

Manley, CEOs, propose details on perimeter security

CATSA airport security screening measures tightened
Government of Canada enhances aviation security
 CATSA lays off 15 to 20% of airport security screeners
* Winner! *
Cons direct every airport in Canada to reduce its security screeners by 15-20%
Vancouver International Airport - 120 screening officers laid off May 16th
Greater Toronto Airports Authority - 400 laid off
Montreal Pierre-Elliott Trudeau airport - 80 laid off
Ottawa International Airport - 11 laid off
Calgary and Edmonton - 15% reduction in screening staff
Hey, I'll bet it's because they've invested in those new full body scanners and they'll be using them instead.
Chair of the BC Association of Aerospace Workers :
"newly purchased multi-million dollar full body scanners will be left unmanned and unused ... because there is just not enough staff to operate them."
And you just know that even if we all consented to having Trusted Traveller barcodes tattooed on our foreheads, you still wouldn't be allowed onboard if you're packing Astroglide, although apparently handcuffs are still ok.


  1. Ludicrous. We are rapidly devolving into an "emerging economy". My brother noted when going airport security in Nairobi that an air passenger had to point out to the security worker that the metal detector machine was unplugged.

    Heh, word verification is gelingly, as in "things a moving gelingly for security improvements."

  2. I'm afraid they want something to happen. I think it was the same with Bush and 9/11 -- not black ops, simply doors left wide open in the hope that someone would take the hint and provide political fodder for the obsessions of the Reich wing. Watch for 4 of 10 (Harpy) to cripple the law enforcement establishment in many other ways as well, just to get the figures up to the point that he can run as tough on crime.

  3. "Doors left wide open", Sunsin, is a blogpost all by itself ...

    Why deregulate housing market speculation policies after similar policies fucked up the States?

    Why not add a side agreement statement to clarify that bulk water exports are not on the Nafta table?

    Why have 19,000 cops stand down in the face of a few vandals at College and Yonge St. intersection at the G20?

  4. It was my understanding, some of the vandals were cops, at the G20. In any protest gatherings, the ones with covered faces, are police. When they are asked to uncover their faces, they run and hide. They are just, Herr Harper's Brown Shirts. Harper has bones fractured, Just to flex his muscles, he actually said, I MAKE THE RULES.
