Monday, August 01, 2011

Hello ... hello? Is this thing on?

Only 660 signatures so far in support of Canadian artist Franke James - whose tour Steve is trying to shut down?

Seriously? That's all the support we can muster?

"The Government of Canada is trying to shut down an international tour by artist Franke James because of her criticism of its environmental record.

Top officials are using intimidation tactics to prevent her from being supported by any Canadian embassies or agencies. They pressured her corporate sponsor into dropping its offer of $75,000 in support. They tried to coerce Nektarina Non Profit in Croatia into rescinding their invitation. (Nektarina refused.)

This kind of anti-democratic intimidation must stop. Insist the Government of Canada stop trying to muzzle free speech.

We the undersigned urge you to support the international tour of artist Franke James and to put an end to the Government of Canada's intimidation of embassies and agencies who wish to promote her work abroad.

Ms. James is a credit to Canada. Her work is internationally recognized because of her ability to address difficult environmental issues through art and storytelling, without preaching or insisting on a particular viewpoint.

Canada's reputation as a free and just society will be enhanced by your leadership on this. Thank you for your consideration of our request."

Your signature here.

Thank you. Please pass it on.

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