Monday, September 26, 2011

Say No to the Tar Sands/Ottawa Action today

                   Canadians are planning to risk arrest today on Parliament Hill

Tony Clarke in the Toronto Star, excerpted :
"On Monday I will be joining hundreds of fellow Canadians on Parliament Hill to demonstrate growing public opposition to the relentless expansion of the tarsands megaproject in northern Alberta.  
... the Ottawa action will be carried out in solidarity with the more than 1,200 U.S. citizens who were arrested during a two-week protest outside the White House in Washington in late August. 

Canada has no national energy policy and strategy. Although the Harper regime frequently promotes Canada as the “next energy superpower,” it has no plan in place for making the critical transition urgently needed over the next decade, moving from our societal dependence on dirty fossil fuels to clean, sustainable and renewable sources of energy.
Instead, we are well on our way to becoming a petro-state
All the great social movements of the last century — workers’ rights, women’s suffrage, civil rights, First Nations, anti-poverty, environmental rights, anti-apartheid — were marked by key moments of direct action and civil disobedience. Indeed, this is a defining moment for all who are concerned about environmental and social justice in our times."
#ottawaaction .... #NoTarSands .... 

1 comment:

  1. Harper has grandiose plans, to become an energy giant on the worlds scene. He desperately wants that power and glory. Harper will do what ever it takes, to achieve that glory. If that means polluting the entire planet, so be it.

    The dirty tar sands are an abomination, on the face of Canada. That horrendous eco damage, can never be cleaned up. There is bitumen under the Boreal Forests, the last in North America.
    There are song birds, bears, moose, elk and thousands of wildlife critters that live in the forests. But of course, greed and glory comes first with Harper.
