Friday, January 13, 2012

Enbridge vs the Great Bear Rainforest

Spoil. A beautiful and powerful documentary on the Great Bear Rainforest - extraordinarily footage from some of the world's best photographers hoping to show us what we have to lose if the Enbridge Gateway Project goes through. 

For an idea of the combined PR force we're up against here, check out DeSmogBlog and Deep Climate's posts on how Ethical Oil Kathryn Marshall's hubby, previously Harper's Manager of Strategic Planning, is generously hosting Ethical Oil, Dame Ezra, Joe Oliver, Jason Kenney, Pierre Poilievre, Kevin Falcon, a half dozen Alberta Wild Rose candidates and one Sun News IP  on his  GoNewClear server based in Texas. 

Click right hand bottom corner of vid for full screen. Really. It's worth it.

h/t Holly Stick


  1. A remarkable film! Thanks so much for posting it.

  2. beautiful. I had not known such a bear as the spirit bear existed.

  3. The International League of
    Conservation Photographers had a gorgeous display of photographs at the university here last September and showed the film. Pacific Wild and the Sea 2 Sands Conservation Alliance kicked off a month of films and information sessions. Other beautiful films with terrific information about the area are On The Line and Awakening the Skeena. On The Line is about the Enbridge line, Awakening the Skeena is about the preservation of Skeena River and the Sacred Headwaters, threatened by, among other things, Coalbed Methane extraction.

  4. The Deputy Premier of BC, the Natural Resources Minister of Canada, Ethical Oil, and Sun News Ezra Levant are all hosted on the same server in Texas, owned by Harper's ex-Planning Manager?

    Holy shit.

  5. Harper had a many times convicted American felon working for him. Felon Carson and his ex prostitute girlfriend, were guests in Harper's home. The robocalls to Canadians to confuse their voting locations, came out of North Dakota.

    Gordon Campbell is Herr Harper's favorite henchman. Campbell has the dirtiest, most corrupt and foul political record in the history of this country. Campbell did a lot of dirty work for Harper. Campbell's reward is, the post as High Commissioner to England. Campbell's election lie, the BCR wasn't for sale. Campbell's election lie, the HST wasn't on his radar. Campbell who thieved and sold our rivers, causing an eco nightmare.

    Harper and Campbell worked frantically, to set up Enbridge pipeline, and the dirty oil tankers from China, before Campbell the criminal got the boot. The gruesome twosome, raced to dismantle BC into financial ruin.

    Harper is a Reformer and a Neo-Nazi. He founded the Northern Foundation Party. They said, the skinheads assisted Harper to organize his party. This was in 1989. The other day Deb Grey said, Harper is still a Reformer.

    I also read: Harper gave a speech in New York, at the Council of Foreign Relations. This was, Sept. 25/2007.

    Harper also gave a speech on, Global Governance for Canada.

    Another politician wanted Global Governance....Only he called it, the Thousand Year Reich.

  6. Frankly, the film left me cold. Untouched nature is pretty but rather dull on the whole; any village is more interesting. Most people who oooh and ahhh over such spectacles wouldn't for a moment consider living in such a backwater. And there's a reason the commentator above never heard of the "Spirit Bear": it's the PR name for what naturalists refer to as the Kermode bear, which carries genes that give about one in ten Kermode bears light coats. Genes, not spirits.

    Still, I hope the pipeline never gets built. For one, spills of all sizes are inevitable and are very likely in total to cost more than the value of the product transported (even though companies are often successful in offloading such costs onto the general public). Second, and far more important, we don't need that carbon in the atmosphere. Instead, we should be developing the tar sands in a much more measured way, so that there will be plenty left for the days when oil is no longer burned but is still worth its weight in gold to the petrochemical industry. What's the rush? Oh, I know; greed. But we'll make more in the end if we save most of it for later, not to speak of the effect on global warming if any substantial portion of it gets burned now.

  7. sunsin, it's sad that you are untouched by such natural beauty. I expect you are not alone. Me, I revel in it. It energizes me, feeds me. Hell, sometimes it makes me cry!

    I want to challenge your intolerance of First Nations mythology and spirituality in your dismissal of the Spirit Bear. One legend says that these bears were made white by Raven so that the People would always remember the Ice Age. And, Raven also said that Spirit Bear would live in peace and harmony.

    The Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal threatens Spirit Bear. That's significant on many levels, I think.

  8. sunsin, it's sad that you are untouched by such natural beauty. I expect you are not alone. Me, I revel in it. It energizes me, feeds me. Hell, sometimes it makes me cry!

    I want to challenge your intolerance of First Nations mythology and spirituality in your dismissal of the Spirit Bear. One legend says that these bears were made white by Raven so that the People would always remember the Ice Age. And, Raven also said that Spirit Bear would live in peace and harmony.

    The Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal threatens Spirit Bear. That's significant on many levels, I think.

  9. Thank you Alison and Holly. Such great work.

  10. Sunsin - I'm sorry you feel nothing from untouched beauty but you are saying something I have not heard before put quite the way you did. So I appreciate your point of view, unpopular as it may be. Got me thinking in a slightly new way.

  11. Foreign banks, foreign corporations, foreign whack jobs. Nothing will change until we have a vote on the issues instead a vote on the corporate funded political parties. Just take a second to remember how the whole of Latin America was conquered by Catholicism. Goddamn, it was right out of planet of the apes (the original, not the coverup version) Now juxtapose that over how the whole population of the western world has been conquered by the equally false ideal of 'representative democracy'. You have no say. And pleading or protesting to the current status quo is exactly what they want you to do.

    The only way you will ever have a better life is by demanding a vote on all issues which are relevant to you. Direct votes on issues instead of horse puffs within the system which was designed against the common man. You don't have to go to university to see how we are being screwed.

  12. Anon @12:18: "Harper is a Reformer and a Neo-Nazi. He founded the Northern Foundation Party."

    Oh get a fucking grip. You think there aren't enough real issues to deal with here without piling on nonsense like this? Newsflash - Harper is not Satan and it doesn't advance anything to pretend that he is.


  13. What Ian said.

    Gloria, or Meadowlark, or whatever your current handle is : You have been repeating this ridiculous and quite possibly libelous claim about Harper being a neo-Nazi and a founder of the Northern Foundation Party more or less word for word across dozens of blogs and newspapers for months now without a shred of evidence to back it up. Don't repeat it again here, please.

  14. Joining the Enbridge PR forces arrayed against the people and environment of BC is former Harper advisor and Enbridge lobbyist Ken Boessenkool, appointed as Christy Clark's new chief of staff this week.

  15. There are some interesting comments at Deep Climate about a bunch of fake facebook pages appearing last fall for various northern BC towns:

  16. Thanks, Holly. I see BCL has screen shots up.

    Which reminds me ... Heard anything back from AIH about their interview with Corbella re the Brazilians yet?
    I commented with a link to BCL 4 days ago but CBC declined to publish it.
