Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Skynet : Connecting the dots

So remember how the Cons withdrew their just-tabled internet surveillance bill, the Lawful Access Act, on Feb 14 and replaced it an hour and 15 minutes later with the identical but renamed Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act , a bill which mentions neither children nor predators?

Coincidentally, the US Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 - sponsored by Texas teabaggin' Rep Lamar Smith who also sponsored the Stop Online Piracy Act, another internet spying bill - has 39 co-sponsors and is heading off to the US House of Representatives for debate.

Good thing ours has that one-word difference in the title, the better to provide for Canadian independence and sovereignty.

Theirs :
House Panel Votes to Require ISPs to Keep Customer Records
"The Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act would require ISPs to retain all customer IP addresses [for 12 months, amended down from 18] so that law enforcement agents can use the information to investigate online child pornography. Law enforcement agents would gain access to the IP information with subpoenas they issue, not court-ordered warrants."
Hey, ours does that too!
Michael Geist yesterday :
Toews has not talked about a provision in Bill C-30 that creates a voluntary warrantless system that would allow police to ask for the content of emails or web surfing habits and allow ISPs to comply with the request without fear of liability.
Hey, Section 6 of the theirs does that too! As does SOPA.

So who else is looking to spy on us online?
From the Whitehouse National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy, January 2012 , pages 33-34:
"It is imperative that Canada and the United States work together to expedite the sharing of information from electronic communication service providers; and share information necessary to lay the foundation for intercepting internet and voice communications under their respective laws in a timely manner."
Meanwhile, across the pond, the UK isn't hiding their internet spying bill behind any malarkey about protecting children. Same basic mo though :
UK government to demand access to all phone and internet user data
"The British government is in the process of developing a scheme whereby all phone companies and broadband internet providers will be required to store customer transaction data for a year and hand it over to security services upon request."
Doesn't seem like it much matters who these various government online spying bills are purported to target - pornographers, copyright infringers, drug traffickers, drugbiz mirror sites, terrorists - or who they are supposed to protect - children, Hollywood, the recording industry, drug companies, the public at large. They'll just keep reframing and renaming those suckers until one of them sticks - a law we can't access the inner workings of that entrenches their access to our private info while simultaneously throttling the free flow of shared info out here.

In opposing the US pornography bill, Rep. John Conyers said
"This is not protecting children from internet pornography. It's creating a database for everybody in this country with a lot of other purposes."
Democrat Rep. Zoe Lofgren proposed an amendment to rename it the Keep Every Americans' Digital Data for Submission to the Federal Government Without a Warrant Act but sadly this did not accrue the required votes. Unlikely such a further name change would succeed here either, even with a one-word title change.


  1. Thanks for keeping us updated on the western (civilized?) countries who are freakin skeert of the power of the internet in the hands of the 99%. But hey you forgot, the UN now wants a treaty for unprecedented powers over the internet too! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204792404577229074023195322.html
    I bet Canada/U.S./UK would have no problem signing that treaty. They want tariffs, regulations, Censorship, licenses, penalties, requirements, sinecures, obligations, all the red tape that Iibertarians hate and statists love. No freedom for us. Who is going to police this if actually goes thru, no idea. Notice who wrote the article? Not exactly known for net-neutrality. I mean the UN? They don't even prosecute crimes against humanity anymore! Are you tired yet?

  2. Bad news, the Aussie's are in for it too.


  3. Geez Louise! What's that word they use in criminal trial?

    Ah yes. Collusion.

  4. Exactly deBeauxOs, now we know what they really talk about at those super-gov meetings in Davos etc. So where is the treaty that declares the internet a sovereign nation that we're all members of? Someone ought to start writing that. They're certainly keeping the Internet Warriors busy and occupied with this bombardment of bills, so plans for war can go sailing under the radar.

  5. Good thing ours has that one-word difference in the title, the better to provide for Canadian independence and sovereignty.

    Oooohhh, SNAP!, Alison - Well Done ! ! ! !

  6. Excellent! Cross-post at my place, PLZ?

  7. That's all we need is police watching porn all day and night. Police officers were caught watching porn at work, on our tax dollars. What a stupid farce this web snooping is.

    This internet snooping is about Harper hiding his dastardly deeds from the public. Harper already controls the media. He hates it when, the truth about him is posted on the net.Harper has been wanting to control the web, for quite some time. He even has private meetings with his henchmen, behind closed doors now. Everything is kept secret.

    Every dictator is paranoid, about the truth surfacing about them. Even important issues, are restricted in the House of Commons. There are never complete debates. Harper hates the House of Commons, as a waste of time. He will force everything through anyway, so why bother with the House? It's just a big hole in tax payers dollars. The House of Commons should be sold, it is of no use, what-so-ever. Harper can dictate out of a rented Elks Hall or something of the like.

    Harper has given pretty much of this country away to China. Harper will not fight any war China does not want him to. Both China and their ally Russia, are against any attack against Iran or Syria.

    Since Harper's majority, Canada has rapidly slid down hill.
    There have been many job losses in Canada.

    Harper is so disliked...He has been banned from, the New Trans Pacific Trade Group. The U.N. also denied Harper a seat. Harper totally made a fool of himself in Durban, Davos, Copenhagen. Country's are fed up with, Harper's bullying and hissy fits, when he doesn't get his own way.

    It is of course, every country's politicians who have everything to hide, that wants to control the web. Why don't they just cut the crap?

  8. Dr. Dawg : Done!

    Toe and Kim : UN and Oz etc will be in Skynet Part 2 but wanted to nail US connection first. Have to go to work in the real world for a bit before I get to it. Thanks for your links.

    So where is the treaty that declares the internet a sovereign nation that we're all members of? Someone ought to start writing that
    That's great!

    Bob : ;-*

    Thanks muchly for linking to this from DAMMIT JANET! dBOs!

  9. What I want to know is - why aren't these dots being connected in the MSM? Where's their coverage of this?
    CBC? Bueller? Anybody?

  10. I keep hearing about how the legislation is going to be changed or withdrawn or something.
    Yeah, sure....
    What do you want to bet they'll wait until we're all distracted with the hockey playoffs, then Third Reading here we come.
