Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Emma the Embryo and the RoboCon

Emma the Embryo channels Fern Hill and DeBeauxOs at DAMMIT JANET! :

"Emma is the potential everyhuman being.

She is prochoice because gestation is a procreative process.
She's a pragmatist because pregnancy is not *motherhood*.
She believes that every child should be wanted and welcomed, and every mother willing and supported."

Choice Joyce on Motion 312 , coming up for HoC debate in April :

"Attention supporters! We need to help out Stephen Woodworth because the poor guy lacks imagination. He couldn't even think of a title for his motion! Let's help him out by naming his motion for him. Please email your clever, funny, or subversive titles to info@arcc-cdac.ca. We'll pick the best one and go public with it!"

Joyce Arthur
Executive Director, 
joycearthur@shaw.ca    www.arcc-cdac.ca

Or Emma's fave : The 'If a Fetus is a Person Then a Woman Isn't' Motion


  1. Heh. That Con face looks somewhat familiar.
    Saw this on fb - knew it was you.

  2. It wasn't me really - I just put it together from DeBeauxOs' concept and Fern Hill's words and some tweaking from others.

    "That Con face looks somewhat familiar."

  3. Alison, you might want to place a space between ChoiceJoyce's email address and the ARCC's web address. On my screen, they're running together.

    And great job on the new Emma!

  4. The 'Government Small Enough to Fit in Your Uterus' Act.

    Good to see Emma out and about again.

  5. Great seeing Emma back. YAY!

    As for the PoS Bill:

    Mitochondrial Protection Act

    Vagina Welfare and Zygote Protection Act

    Family Planning and Ejaculation Authority Act
