Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paging Snuffleupagus to the SunNews white courtesy petition

The last time Sun News needed help with an online petition, Snuffleupagus and Homer Simpson were there to help, mysteriously adding their names  to 80,000 others on a "Stop Fox News North" Avaaz petition in 2010, along with a number of real people like Kady and Stephen Maher who didn't sign it.

Sun News mastermind, Kornkob ethanol lobbyist, and Steve's former director of communications Kory Teneycke 'discovered' the fraudulent names and wrote it up in his Sun News column on Sept 3 2010 in a bid to discredit the petition ....  only to get busted by Kady who pointed out the names on the petition were not published so how did he know about them then, huh?

Kory, who had wanted a Fox News for Canada as far back as 2003 and in March 2009 went with boss  Harper to meet with Fox News magnates Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes in New York, resigned unexpectedly from Sun News four days after his Homer/Snuffy column, but returned as Sun News VP three and a half months later.

The very same day Homer and Snuffy were helping out Sun News with their bogus petition entries, Kory went on CBC's Power and Politics :
"We are not nor have we ever asked for mandatory carriage of this station where Canadians would have to be obliged to pay. We are saying that we would like to have it offered but theoretically it could be carried by no one ... these are all private sector negotiations." 
Or, as he put it in his Homer/Snuffy column :
"Sun TV News is not, nor has it ever, asked for “mandatory carriage” by cable or satellite companies. As the critics correctly point out, this would be tantamount to a tax on everyone with cable or satellite service"
Well that was then; this is now. 
Now they are asking the CRTC for exactly that - mandatory carriage to be included in every basic cable package in Canada plus guaranteed placement on the lower end of the dial. Because it turns out the 'free market' they go on about so relentlessly turns out to be just another of the many many obstacles they have to overcome on their path to Spun News greatness, like Ezra wearing that orange wig above to mock Jack Layton's funeral.
Sun News Network is arguing its signal must be broadcast into every Canadian home if it is ever going to recover from losses that have already reached $17-million a year.
This would generate about $18-million a year for the network ...
... sparking a whole slew of "then cancel my cable" comments under the G&M article.
Sun News argues that many Canadians have expressed enthusiasm for its conservative commentary-intensive programming, and would watch the channel regularly, but they don’t know it even existsThe digital cable or satellite connections currently required to see it haven’t been adopted by enough viewers in the senior citizen demographic that Quebecor concedes it is largely appealing to.
So Sun News has put up its own petition to the CRTC, presumably appealing to the angry racist misogynist xenophobic pro-gun pro-christian anti-choice anti-environment anti-union anti-gay anti-pot anti-Quebec anti-government anti-Roma anti-FN anti-Islam anti-arts tough-on-crime "senior citizen demographic" who "don't know it even exists" to lend their support. 
Well ok then. Maybe Homer and Snuffy could help out here.

Brian Lilley : "Sun News is the strongest voice for the pro-life cause on television in Canada. Bar none."
Sun VP Teneycke : " we need to demonstrate a groundswell of support for Sun News, and the readers of LifeSiteNews can help."
You can submit your opinion on SunNews' application directly to the CRTC here.


  1. Be careful, there Alison.

    You may have a Roma curse put on your arse . . . . ;-)

  2. Hey Alison I know you don't do twitter but Glen McGregor is tweeting about your Kory Sun link on mandatory carriage right now.

  3. Ooooo, this is *such* a good column, stuffed with linky goodness and lovely quotations. Thank you!

  4. The claims of Canadian content are amazing. It would seem that 2 Sun personalities interviewing each other about the roaring successes of Stephen Harper and the colossal moral failings of the opposition are what Canada needs more of.
    Watching it once a week or so you see a repetitive pattern over and over again. Rick Mercer, CBC, CTV , Liberal, NDP ,Green, other = Bad and that the current government should not be criticized and anyone doing so is hired by foreign special interests. There Mission Accomplished and no need to lose millions any more. Just sell pro-HARPER tshirts and enjoy a more prosperous Canada.
