Friday, March 15, 2013

Harper's Parade of Perps with Perks

Time to update Harper's Parade of Perps again, says Canadian Cynic.
Ok then ... let's add three more to make it an even ten Parade of Perps with Perks.

New entrant below the still unidentified Mr RoboCon is Saskatchewan Senator Pamela Wallin, seen here in 2000 advertizing her stint as host of  Who Wants to Buy a Millionaire? in New York where she owns an apartment. Senator Wallin is not currently being investigated for clocking $321,027 in "other" senate travel expenses because she does visit her Saskatchewan residence even she holds an Ontario residency health card just like PEI Senator Mike Duffy. However the former investigative journalist does not want to discuss it, explaining it's a "point of privacy". 

Between Duffy and Bruce Carson stands Labrador MP and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Peter Penashue, who resigned from both yesterday following reports of illegal overspending and accepting corporate contributions disguised as individual donations in his 79-vote win over the Liberal incumbent in the last election. The Conservative Party transferred $44,350 to his campaign last November and this month to cover his overspending repayment debts.
Penashue explained that "mistakes were made by an inexperienced volunteer" - Reg Bowers, the campaign's official agent - who was subsequently appointed by Resources Minister Joe Oliver to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board. The CNLOPB bio describes Bowers as "having extensive business involvement" and "a Bachelor of Commerce" as well as "post secondary work with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants." Still, you know ... math.
Penashue intends to have a do-over election, presumably before Elections Canada gets around to finishing an investigation which could bar him from running for election again.
Yesterday a Conservative Party spokesman explained : Nice riding you got there, Labrador, be a shame if something happened to it :
He will be the Conservative Party candidate in the by-election and if Newfoundland and Labrador want to continue to have a strong voice within government they need to re-elect him as the Member of Parliament for Labrador.
Under Steve is Dean Del Mastro, Steve's parliamentary secretary and pointman on the robocall election scandal, being investigated over his $21,000 personal cheque to Frank Hall at Holinshed Research Group for voter ID/GOTV servicesAh, I see the Frank Hall vid I reposted a month ago is "no longer available" at Youtube. So how's the rest of the RCMP/Elections Canada investigation into Del Mastro's scandal-ridden 2008 election campaign going, huh?
Fun fact : Del Mastro has now missed 26 consecutive Ethics committee meetings.

Well that's all for now, folks. Stay tuned though - it's only March.

Update : Collect the whole set!


  1. "He will be the Conservative Party candidate in the by-election and if Newfoundland and Labrador want to continue to have a strong voice within government they need to re-elect him as the Member of Parliament for Labrador."

    Because we the Con party paid back his ill-gotten gains plus he knows where the bodies are buried and since he's a Native we don't know if he'll turn us in, we're flexible like that.

  2. "He will be the Conservative Party candidate in the by-election"

    Is that according to the local EDA, or does Conservative Party HQ simply assume they can decree whatever they want and to hell with democracy?

  3. Wouldn't a group of thirteen be symbolic of something or other? On the other hand there was Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves...

  4. this is part OF Canada's Economic Action Plan
    Canada"s Economic Active Perks+Perps+

  5. I don't recall seeing this article earlier, about Front Porch Strategies, and I don't recall hearing of this International Democratic Union (IDU) before:

  6. I just noticed it is a year old.

  7. Holly Stick : Linda Diebel's excellent article from a year ago was the frontrunner on robocalls, refuting the Cons' claim that Libs used foreign firms and Cons didn't. I've linked to it a few times now and it was because of that article I started reading Front Porch Strategies and found the pic of their CEO working in Julian Fantino's campaign office.

    International Democrat Union (IDU0 is a global coalition of around 80 right-of-centre parties who collaborate to get their own elected.
    Chairman - John Howard, past Oz PM
    Vice Chair - Tony Clement
    Assistant Chair - Senator Doug Finley
    Tony Clement's dcomm Erin Wall was at an IDU conference before making the jump to Front Porch Strategies but I can't find that link at IDU any more.

    Wouldn't a group of thirteen be symbolic of something or other?
    If you add Oda, Duncan, and Guergis, you do get 13. ;-)

    Oemissions : Heh. Might do one on how those stupid signs cost 10x what ELA cost.

    Anon : Yup.

    Anon2 : Remember how Steve got elected the first time?

  8. Actually (nitpick, nitpick) you have 12 up there now. But they all look alike, sleazy and dishonest.

  9. Election democracy20/4/13 10:55 am

    There is a Elections Canada investigation currently under way into Min Fantino's by-election in 2010. Charges of 2nd campaign account left open and unaudited. Loans and transfers to different campaigns (ie..MP Ambler-niece of Fantino campaign chair) payments of campaign accounts by CPC HQ Chris Rougier to Hume Media. Party staff working on campaign unaccounted on expenses. Possible robocall known male running CIMs tele calls in backroom. Overspending. Corporate donors.

    The list is long.

    The story hasn't broken yet

  10. Further to Election democracy's comment above, some explanatory links :

    Feb 16 2012 - 404 Systems Error: Vaughn Can you make sense of this leak?

    March 15 2012 Michael Harris: Of bank accounts and elections laws

    March 8 2012 Michael Harris: Was a ‘political super-weapon’ part of Robogate?

    The neice connection is unknown to me.
