Friday, April 12, 2013

Boycott the Royal Bank - Part 3

RBC executives told managers: “You can only hire a Canadian if you can show that iGATE can’t supply the worker for you,” 
... current RBC manager told CBC's Kathy Tomlinson.

This only confirms what Marjorie Mong, VP, head of Application Services at RBC, said back in 2008 : 
Originally, RBC viewed iGATE “as an added resource,” says Mong. Now the bank is pushing iGATE “to go out and earn the business from project managers.” The supplier has set up delivery managers for every RBC executive platform “to establish a relationship and get more business.”
Also Jason Trussell, vice president and regional manager responsible for iGATE’s buyers in Canada, again in 2008 :
RBC’s offshore projects have increased tenfold since signing a contract with iGATE [in 2005]. Originally we worked on offshoring projects for two groups in RBC applications. Today every department in the group sends us work.”
Two former iGate workers - who said they were brought in to work at RBC under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program but now have new jobs and permanent resident status in Canada  - told CBC they were among "200 Indian nationals shuttled back and forth between Canada and India between 2008 and 2012." 

In 2008, the U.S. Justice Department fined iGATE $45,000 for discriminating against US citizens by placing 30 ads for computer programmers that “expressly favoured” people holding a temporary foreign worker visa.

Up here in Canada, the Royal Bank evidently performs that service internally on behalf of iGATE.

Update : Table from the Progressive Economics Forum  in 2012: 
Nearly 30% of net new jobs in Canada from 2007 to 2011 were filled by temporary foreign workers.  
In 2012, nearly 200,000 temporary foreign worker positions were approved under 'positive labour market opinions' ; 22% of them went to the food and accommodation industry.

This is what Armine Yalnizyan from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives called The Economic McAction Plan.
[edited for clarity]
Boycott the Royal Bank of Canada - Part 1      Boycott the Royal Bank - Part 2
Boycott the Royal Bank ... and Amanda Lang


  1. So much for the RBC's Gord Nixon's feeble attempt at damage control.

  2. Look it maybe your jobs ,but its our money and our mortgages and investment in your bank that make royal bank , and if Canadians are not good enough for your jobs as trying to save a dollar, then our money is not good enough for royal bank and there is a lot bank that will be happy to take our investments, mortgage, saving so remember royal bank it's our money. With royal bank now trying to throw the staff agency under the bus and trying to put other banks under the microscope for doing the same thing take ownership royal bank,and for other banks take notes as Canadians want a bank who hires Canadians and help economies and reinvest in the people who place there money and investment with you.

  3. Who is the enabler, to bring over cheap foreign workers? RBC is doing, what Harper permitted them to do.

    Chinese resource workers earn, $800 per month. Harper has permitted China to bring them over to the tar sands. All companies are permitted to hire that cheap labor....Harper is also planning China, in the rich resources of the High Arctic. Who then, does Harper give those jobs to?

    Harper's Omnibus Bill permits China to sue any Canadians, blocking China's invasions into Canada. Therefore. China sued in BC, to take the mining jobs, 300 BC miners applied for the 200 BC mine jobs Harper is giving to China. Chinese miners work for, $800 per month also. Rumor has it, there are 2000 more Chinese miners, on their way over. There are nine mines and, mine expansions coming into Northern BC. Who will Harper give those jobs to?

    Harper is totally, misjudging the anger of Canadian citizens.

    Canadian people believe in, Democracy, Civil Rights and Liberties, Freedom of Speech and, Human Rights. Harper is taking that away from Canadians. Harper's treachery, will not be forgotten nor forgiven.
