Thursday, June 20, 2013

Steve and Barry have a little chat

Really excellent background from The Tyee on the outing of the numpty non-issue of charity speaker gig fees that the Cons used to waste the last week of the House of Commons before summer recess.
Tyee Bonus : Spot the Lickspittle

And as Dammit Janet asks : Why did no other media outlet but that one tiny paper, the Barrie Advance, realize that the real story here was the PMO sending out partisan trumped-up *anonymous* leaks on the taxpayers' dime?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well it turns out his newspaper's owner supports the Harper Government™

    Love the way Ms. Rupp of The Tyee uses the same descriptive, legally correct terminology for stevie's cabal as you, Alison . . . .

  3. Where is the Congressional Gold Medal or Silver Star for Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning?
