Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Fakers and Cons

Still adding to the list of Con fakery below, if you have more suggestions.


  1. Maybe we can arrange for Harper to solo - with Pam and Mike for moral support -

    Airshow as co-pilot...

    IFR attempt - to Gander and beyond...

  2. Wonderful! Isn't wearing wings without qualifying as a pilot an offence?

  3. Anon : IFR attempt - lolz - especially as he has already mastered looking out the friggin' window ...

    Holly Stick : Thanks, I'm getting better at it. ;-)

    Lagatta : Yes it is, although I find the affront worse. However this is the same guy who roared around an airport runway on an ATV a couple of years ago and when a journo questioned him about it, said : "I think I make the rules."
