Monday, August 12, 2013

Rob Ford, Sopranos Edition - A timeline

2005.  Scott MacIntyre , convicted drug trafficker and boyfriend of Rob Ford's sister Kathy, is charged along with another guest with shooting Kathy in the face and stealing the family Jag at one of the famous Ford Family BBQs . Charges against MacIntyre are dropped.

2008 A reunited MacIntyre and Kathy are busted for stealing licence plates and possession of B&E equipment. Kathy is convicted but charges against MacIntyre are again dropped.

Jan 11 2012 MacIntyre enters Ford's home and yells : "You owe me money, your sister owes me money. If I don’t get it, they will kill me," and "You and your family are going to get it. You are going to pay for it.” 
Picked up hours later from a hotel room and charged with uttering threats and possession of heroin and cocaine.
Two weeks later, MacIntyre writes Kathy a letter from where he is being held in Toronto West Detention Centre asking her to get the charges against him dropped :
"You and your family have one chance to leave me the f--- alone and stop this s---, or I am going to start a s--- storm. You and your family think I should play nice, f--- you."
MacIntyre writes a second letter to the Star "indicating that a reporter should come and speak to Mr. MacIntyre for information that he could divulge to the papers."

March 22 2012 MacIntyre has his leg broken by another inmate while in custody at Toronto West Detention Centre. 

June 2012 MacIntyre arrives in court in wheelchair and pleads guilty, ensuring no further related evidence will be released. Sentenced to 5 months in addition to time served and since released.

March 25 2013 7pm, Rob Ford shows up after hours at Toronto West Detention Centre and asks for a tour of the place. Refused, he asks to see one particular inmate, Bruno Bellissimo, an old family friend, and is again refused. Neighbours report Ford seen at Bellissimo residence.

Three days later ...
March 28 2013 3am. Anthony Smith, far left, and Muhammad Khattak, far right, are shot in the street by Nazir Hashimi. Smith dies of gunshot to the head.

US site Gawker reports on a cell phone video of Rob Ford smoking what appears to be crack and mouthing slurs and obscenities. A photo is released of Ford with Anthony Smith, Khattak, and Monir Kassim outside an Etobicoke bungalow occupied by Ford's longtime friend Fabio Basso

May 3 2013  After watching the Alleged Ford crack video in the back seat of a car with video hawker Mohamed Siad, two Toronto Star reporters confirm Ford identity.
May 16 2013 They publish their story. Ford denies existence of video but then the same day blurts out the location of the video at two 320 Dixon Road apartment numbers located a few hundred meters from the Etobicoke bungalow to his staff members. Ford's Chief of Staff Mark Towhey reports it to police.

May 21 2013 Shooting at Dixon Road complex; Etobicoke bungalow scene of violent home invasion and iron pipe beatings.

May 23 2013 Ford fires Towhey, followed by the resignations of five other staff.

May 25 2013 : G&M details The Ford family’s history with drug dealing

June 13 2013 Khattak and Kassim and Mohamed Siad are all picked up during Toronto Police drugs and guns dragnet Project Traveller targeting area around crack house where alleged Ford crack video was taken. 56 arrested. Defence lawyer unable to say if Ford crack video was found during arrests while Toronto Police Chief Blair refuses to link raids to search for Ford crack video. A few days later Siad is stabbed multiple times in the Don Jail.

June 27 2013 Nazir Hashimi pleads guilty to manslaughter death of Anthony Smith, "virtually ensuring that any related evidence will never be aired in court."

July 9 Khattak released on bail. July 30 Kassim released on bail. July 13 Hanad Mohamed, a second man charged with three counts of accessory after the fact in the shooting of Anthony Smith, released on bail. A publication ban is imposed on evidence given in court.

Perhaps someone more familiar with the nuances of Toronto society could help me out here if I'm missing any pertinent points.

Update : Aug 16 Star timeline from Donovan and Poisson
(warning : includes annoying instant-start sound vid interview at bottom)
Update : Nov 1 NattyPost graphic of the players


  1. Excellent work, as always, Alison. I've bookmarked it. Thank you.

  2. Superb, Fantastic + Thank You for your great work !!

  3. If you missed any pertinent points it will be damn surprising, Alison.

    Good work ! ! ! !

  4. Thanks, Anon, for the much more extensive quotes at those links and the additional ones - both of which will become even more useful when the Toronto Star goes behind a paywall tomorrow.
    Unfortunately cannot currently add them to the post. Will try again later.

    ~ Alison

  5. This reads like a Scorcese film.

  6. Right, "Sopranos edition" nevermind. Unreal.

  7. An excellent synopsis, Alison -- which leads to the obvious question, "How did Rob Ford ever get to be mayor of Toronto?"

  8. Anon's FordCrackNation above seems to have disappeared.

  9. Time for an update!!!
