Thursday, August 29, 2013

Steve : "Justin Trudeau has shown poor judgement"

Trudeau's poor judgement ? Yeah, let's go with that.


  1. What's a little funny now is how many nonCon politicians are admitting to a little pot smoking like its the shiny new thing they need to say to appeal to voters. Of course, Mr. Ford the only sortaCon doesn't get it and goes a little overboard.

  2. What a nice trip down Memory Lane the second link was, M'Lady . . . . ;-)

  3. Great, our choices in the next election are a Robot, a Bong Huffer and Karl Marx's beard.
    I cant wait.

  4. Anon: ;-)

    Don't forget the Bloc Québécois, and maybe Lizzie May tho . . . .

  5. Love how Duffy is "leaking" Ha!

  6. Boris : Pot - it's the gateway drug to politics.

    Bob : And you'll be the only person who clicked it ;-)

    Anon @8:55 : I think it's time we grew out of the idea that a party leader is our buddy on our favorite team -they are neither thing- and if we don't want to be presented with carefully groomed buddies in more or less interchangeable jerseys, we have to stop expecting to be wooed like fanclubs.
    Sorry, not quite what you said but I'm cranky about this.

    Anon@5:13 : Yes, Duffy is *leaking* and also the air is going out of him. ;-)

  7. No worries Alison, I'm just disgusted at the lack of HONESTY or TALENT at the head of any of the parties.....
    Control Freak Harper, The Resurrection of Trudeau, and Whats his name of the NDP just dont give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
    Their politically correct pablum reminds me of a human resouces seminar at a large organization's annual employee "bore-a-thon".
    And political pundits moan about the ever plummeting voter participation......
    When looking at Toronto's mayor you know he's a buffoon with a buffoon's agenda.....
    I shudder at what another term of Harper, or Trudeau will bring. Record deficits, more taxes, less services....
    Anon 8:55
