Friday, September 06, 2013

Steve & Barry do the 2013 G20

Barry's crew : 
"America’s credibility will be an immediate casualty if the U.S. fails to respond to Syria now with military action."
This after 2 years and 200,000 casualties and UN reports two months ago that nerve gas attacks were perped by the *rebels*
And I'm sure the Syrians about to be bombed will be gratified to ensure America's credibility does not become a casualty.

Meanwhile ...
Harper offers Obama climate plan to win Keystone approval

Sources say PM willing to accept emissions reduction targets proposed by the U.S.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama formally proposing "joint action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil and gas sector," if that is what's needed to gain approval of the Keystone XL pipeline through America's heartland.

Photo : Adrian Wyld/CP


  1. quid pro-pipeline quo :)

    Just the fact that Saudi's Prince Bandar and friends have offered to underwrite the cost of a US invasion of Syria should have been enough to give BomBom pause.

  2. Guess they both got the dress-code memo, eh ? ? ? ?

  3. This presupposes that Harper will withhold support in an effort to obtain quid pro quo but history shows if this is the case it would be the first time

  4. It did seem rather unlikely that after his enthusiastic support for bombing Libya, when Obama started up on Syria, Harper immediately said Canada would not be getting involved.

  5. "Bronco Bomba"

    Say it out loud. It works.

  6. Canada says, "I'll hold your coat."

  7. Obama has a lot more on his plate than Keystone pipeline. It is Harper's pipedream.

  8. Bronco Bomba totally works! Ha!

    Bombing Syria debacle looking a bit more hopeful tonight.
    Via West End Bob : Who won and lost

  9. Some pretty good Comments in the Who won and lost post . . . .
