Friday, February 14, 2014

CSEC : Get Your Plouffe On!

CBC : CSEC exoneration a 'mockery of public accountability'
"The CSEC watchdog, headed on a part-time basis by a semi-retired judge, Jean-Pierre Plouffe, concluded:  “No CSEC activity was directed at Canadians or persons in Canada…that would be illegal.” 
Plouffe’s office says its investigation exonerating CSEC consisted almost entirely of talking to CSEC."
Lux ex Umbra : Q: Why did CSEC spy on Canadian wi-fi?  A: It's all good!


  1. .. It seems possible, plausible .. Ok .. quite evident
    that Canada employs public servants
    that do not respect nor reflect
    the needs, wishes, dream nor democracy
    of Canada or Canadians ..

    Instead they suck up to the stunted hive fantasy
    of Stephen Harper, Tom Flanagan
    and the rest of the herd mentality..

    That's pitiful.. possibly criminal ..
    certainly.. despicable ..
    & Un-Canadian ... which is the line in the sand ..
    Cross that line.. and there's no return

  2. .. Apologies..

    My post should have stated
    that our elected and unelected public servants
    in no way.. recognize or serve Canada..

    Instead, they only recognize & serve Harper Canada
    a fictional twisted undemocratic fraudulent state
    inspired by yankee Flanaganism..
    which feeds an emotionally blank Harperism
    propped up by vacant elected MP 's
    that realy have no Canadian stakes whatsoever ..

  3. Salamander : No, it was clear. I often wonder where are the Canadian leakers and whistleblowers about this kind of shit? Harper's only been in gov 8 years - where are the public servants who have been there since before that, the ones who serve Canada? They can't all be Straussian believers in the rest of us being idiot sheep chiefly in need of herding no matter where to. Self interest? Yeah, I get that - whistleblowing is a self -sacrifice - but where are the ordinary leakers?

  4. What are their long-term visions for Canada and WTF kind of Conservative-Teabag utopian hell are they really engineering? I'd like to hear one of them explain that.

  5. Meanwhile the CBC devotes its investigative heft to uncovering the SNC Lavalin-former LPC heavyweight bribery scandal dating back to 2000. Just in case anyone forgot how shifty the Liberals are.

  6. Michael Heroux said Part 1

    My wife and I are the two people Justice Mosley was refering to when he ruled CSIS was end running the law. We have been following this decision very closely, we are being spied on right here in Canada. My wife and I and our 3 children have been abused by the RCMP CSIS CSEC and other police forces in Ontario and British Columbia for over 5 years now. I have a mental disability and the police started harassing my family and I when I started using Craigslist 5 years ago, what can I say, we're swingers. My wife slept with a few of them while I watched. We are not terrorist. It sounds strange but I have been poisoned and my wife has been poisoned for speaking out publicly about the abuse. We have also been assulted numerous times in the last 5 years. They are listening to us in our bedroom and living room because they let us know by telling us what we are talking about in the privacy of our home. We contacted the BC Human Rights and Civil Rights office last year because the police were trying to run me and my family over on the streets, but they never got back to us. We got a lawyer a couple years ago and the lawyer was able to get them to lay off for a bit. They sent a gunman to murder us last year, we managed to evade him. It also sounds strange but we have a spy monitoring us right now in the adjacent suite to us and they have been there for 10 months now. Since Judge Mosleys decision they quit harassing us but they are still messing around with our internet and phone communications. Thank God for Judge Mosley, I think he saved our lives. We think the reason they are still watching over us is because of what Judge Mosley refered to as "invasive survailence techniques" used against the people who had those warrents issued on them. They don't want us to tell anyone about the techniques used against us for the last 5 years. Pretty sophisticated alien technology if I do say so myself. Pretty cool actually but we don't plan on telling anyone. We are patriotic Canadians and we hate terrorist like everyone else but we don't want to see people abused. Caught up in the fish net so to speak. They have tried to set us up numerous times for arrest over the last 5 years to get their hands on us and make us look like the bad guy's but we have managed to evade those attempts also.

  7. Michael Heroux said Part 2

    My wife and I are concerned because Canada Post is being scaled back and it has got us worried. We use open source software for our operating system. In the last 5 years our privacy has been majorly violated. We are most concerned about our communications being sanitized. We no longer have control over who we can make contact with through electronic means. We can only contact people in person for representation so most people not within our city are off limits to us. We realize we are being followed and are being listened to in the privacy of our own home and our home has been entered numerous times when we are not home by intelligence but our means of communications are being sanitized. 5 years ago we noticed rootkits being installed on our operating systems and I was able to set up honey pots and found they were being installed by the military. Since, we switched to virtual machines from static medium verified with sha512sums (DEBIAN KNOPPIX) to get a malware free system each boot. The only website we use is Craigslist and we have met RCMP agents through Craigslist who wanted us to work for them to help them entrap people from terrorist to gangsters. We believe they were just looking for patsies though. I used to work for the RCMP over 20 years ago to infiltrate criminals and make arrests but I quit working for them because they wanted me to set people up that weren't even breaking the law. For the last 5 years we have used Gmail and we have had numerous internet suppliers and numerous Gmail accounts and we have noticed people we have been emailing and people emailing us have not been getting the emails even though Gmail says they have been sent. We use an SSL connection so our communications are encrypted. The same thing applies to our text messages, we have used Rogers for internet, text and phone for the last 5 years. We have noticed our posting on certains forums are not showing up or they are being deleted as we are writing them right before our eyes or our browsers are being closed as we are writing stuff. Our computers are being shut down and our cell phones are being shut down as we are trying to correspond with people. We have realized that people have been contacting us through our email and our cell phones claiming to be people we know like family members for instance but we know they are imposters. We have tried contacting Human and Civil Rights advocates through electronic means but have had no replies. We have even tried to contact legal representation through electronic means but have never heard anything back over the years. It sounds strange but a gunman was sent to kill us early last year but we managed to evade him. Shortly after that someone tried hiring a hitman through the SILK ROAD website to kill us. At first when the website was taken down by the FBI the owner said the hit was for a father of 3 from Vancouver but later he admitted it was for the whole family of 5, a husband, wife and 3 children. We have been poisoned numerous times in the last 5 years and I have numerous painful swollen lumps throughout my body. Strangers have come up to us on the streets and have told us I have cancer. I went to the emergency room last year because my brain was swelling in my head and my eyes were bulging and I was having severe headaches and the doctor didn't want to treat me and sent me home. Thanks for reading.

  8. Michael Heroux said

    I don't know why people are not talking more about why the watchdog of CSIS stepped down. Everyone is saying he stepped down because of a conflict of interest over the pipeline even though he was cleared of any ethics violations. My wife and I have filed a privacy complaint with the Privacy Commissioners Office Of Canada to investigate the RCMP CSIS and CSEC. They finally responded back to us and told us unless we have proof that we are being or have been investigated they can't help us with an investigation. They told us to reapply with proof. We do have names and dates of the agents we had met and the agents my wife has slept with and the times and places so I guess we will reapply with more specific details and see what we can do. I find it strange the day I contacted their office for the first time in my life about my case the next day The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada stepped down. Also I find it strange the same day I revealed online my full complaint against the RCMP CSIS and CSEC the CSIS watchdog stepped down. Something that we also think is strange is when we contacted the Justice Department Of Canada looking for information they announced 2 days later they are appealing the decision from Judge Mosley and then they wanted to know why we wanted the information and where and what time we were going to use the information before they give it to us. Something else we find funny is we don't have to enable our browser history anymore. We can clear our cache and our browser history and cookies and all and it is being cached somewhere else downstream from our ISP or maybe upstream somewhere. We think it is probably being cached by the spy in the adjacent suite. Thanks for reading.

  9. Alison, the reason we have fewer leakers is because those who are privy to the information are living it up. Maybe not in monetary sums, but in perks. I've had connections with a military intelligence officer, high-ranking Canadian diplomat, and been privy to a high-ranking CSIS official's family member's lifestyle; and what I am constantly struck by is how easy they have it when they are off the clock or just being who they are. The perks they receive for performing their "duties" make their lives extremely comfortable. Comfortable lives make for pliable and not too unruly members of the "privied-class".

    Yes, I expect this post to be read and logged.

  10. Michael Heroux said

    My wife and I are trying to deal with The Department Of Justice Canada and The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada to get information on the abuse of us and our children by CSIS CSEC and the RCMP for over 5 years now. Both The Department Of Justice Canada and The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada said they can help us with our case until they realized who we were and now they are both ignoring us after multiple attempts in the last 4 months for us to follow up with them. They both asked us for specific information about our case and since we sent them the information that they needed they are ignoring us now. I guess our next step will be to get a Charter Of Rights And Freedoms lawyer and see if they can help us out. We contacted the BC Civil Liberties Office and as soon as they realized who we were they said they couldn't help us because their organization was not large enough and they didn't have the resources to handle a case as large as ours. We also contacted our Member Of Parliament and Thomas Mulcair about our family being abused by CSIS CSEC and the RCMP but no one has gotten back to us ever.

  11. Michael Heroux said

    My wife and kids and I finally got a reply back from The Justice Department Of Canada. They were ignoring us just like the Privacy Commisioner Of Canada is now. They finally acknowledged our statements to them about us being poisoned and assaulted numerous times and the assasination attempts on our lives, and the fact that I have cancer because of the poisonings that they did against us. I think my cancer is getting worse, it is really painful now and the lumps are spredding throughout my abdomin. They sent us a letter the other day and said the information we are looking for on the 30-08 warrants against us are not under their control and told us to contact CSIS. I hope I live long enough to see those bastards pay.

  12. Michael Heroux said

    The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada finally got back to us after ignoring us for quite some time now. When we first contacted her office they wanted more specific information from us to prove to them that the 30-08 warrants Judge Richard Mosley issued were actually for us. We know they have the security clearance to find out and we know they know the warrants were for us but they keep saying prove it. We sent them the names of the first 2 agents they sent to investigate us in 2008 and they didn't even acknowledge the agents in any way. They didn't comment on the agents, they didn't ask questions about the agents or nothing. They are just ignoring anything we tell them even though they keep asking for more information. The first 2 agents they sent to investigate us in 2008 were our daughters. Our 2 daughters came back home to live with us in 2008 and told us they were working for Canadian Intelligence. They told us the agent that they were working for wanted them to set us up. It has got us worried. We don't know whether Canadian Intelligence are play some sort of sick game with us but a stranger approached us out of the blue last year and told us our daughters have been murdered. We have not heard from our 2 daughters since they were sent back home to investigate us for Canadian Intelligence. All The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada is saying to us is prove it. They want us to name names of the Intelligence agents we met in 2008-2009 but they won't offer us any protection against further assasination attempts against my wife and kids and I even though they know about the previous attempts. We are still being monitored as I write this and we have reason to believe they are using foreign spies from their international coalition. The last thing The Privacy Commissioner Of Canada did was refer us to the recommendations that she made to Parliament on our behalf. Thanks for reading.
