Sunday, March 30, 2014

"F-bomb shows lack of judgement"

says the PMO : "This is yet another example of Justin Trudeau's lack of judgement."

         Well alrighty then.


  1. ha ha ha

  2. .. The Harper Government and PMO monitors and comments via a spokesperson on charitable sporting events?? No doubt a radical charity event..

    Typical shrill, shewish, partisan, spying on ordinary Canadian folks then 'commenting' via cooperative mass media..

    I look forward breathlessly to The PMO review of the annual B'Nai B'rith clothing auction.. or could they send Joe Oliver.. undercover.. or Rob Anders

  3. Great find Allison and just another example of what a complete weasel this guy is.

  4. Holy f&ck, I had no idea this "lack of judgement" f-bomb incident occurred back in the day when Trudeau knocked out Brazeau in the boxing ring. How sad and desperate is that?913

  5. It didn't actually, BY - it was this past Saturday when JT did a promo chat in the ring for the same charity as his fight with Brazeau.

    It's a completely nothing story either way - at least it was til PMO said something stupid that would apply equally well to their Minister for Democratic Reform.
    JT has now said he regrets it - because apparently we are all 12.

    btw, CBC, NatPost, G&M, and Sun have all looked at this post but have declined to mention the same parallel I have here.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. btw, CBC, NatPost, G&M, and Sun have all looked at this post but have declined to mention the same parallel I have here.

    Imagine that ! ! ! !

