Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mic check, oh you glittering twitterati!

72 year old Ted Musson is walking the 5,000 kilometers from Victoria BC to Ottawa to protest election fraud, both in the 2011 federal election and now the Fair Elections Act. 

Two years ago, he gave up his subsidized apartment, bought a 1979 RV for $2000 and set out for Ottawa with a hand-painted sign on his back : 
Walking to Ottawa. Protesting illegal government.  

Health issues stalled him out in Lethbridge for the winter, but now he's back on the road, aiming for 15K a day on his pedometer and then doubling back to pick up the RV.

At this rate it will be a 10,000K hike to Ottawa. 

And this is where you come in.

His twitter account from Nov. 2012 has exactly 3 tweets and 1 follower.

If Mr Musson is to get drivers for his RV so he doesn't have to double back 15K on top of the 15K he's already logged for the day, you twitterati and facebookies between Lethbridge and Ottawa are going to have to work your magic and get the word out for him.

As he says on his woefully under-publicized blog, ElectionFraud2011
"Please help me raise awareness by either driving my RV for whatever length of time you would like, or by donating a small amount to keep me fed and watered…If you want to help, send me an email to electionfraud2011 *at* to let me know when and where you are available."
 And there's a donation button.

"The ultimate goal is just to make the protest and be as loud and as obnoxious as I can going across the country,” Musson told the Lethbridge Herald last week.
“It occurred to me in about March of 2012, that the 2011 (election) was a fraud. The robocalls; the financial fraud. Harper will say anything knowing that he’s not going to do what he says. It’s an illegal government and there’s just no rational sense, in my mind, to believe that they’re anything other than an illegal government.”

So there's the challenge, you glittering twitterati and feisty facebookers.
How "loud and obnoxious" can you get on behalf of some guy with arthritis threatening to walk clear across the country while near 40% of the rest of us don't even vote. 

Friend him, drive him, donate to him, spread the word, bug Anna Maria Tremonti and Carol Off at CBC to do a piece or any local CBC along the way for that matter. . .
You know how to do this.

Thank you for reading.

h/t Toe in comments for the heads up.


  1. .. Ted now has 4 followers and another tweet

    Props to Ted, a Canadian with gumption (old school term for upstanding determination) courage - another old school Canadian 'value'

    Walk in Beauty - Ted ..

  2. Allison, more ppl would follow him on twitter and he would get more action and response if he actually tweeted a couple times a day.
    Are you in contact with him? Did you email him about this article?

  3. Thanks for your suggestion, Jan - forwarded it on to him.
    Yes, I have emailed him. If I hear back I'll let y'all know.
    Are you still at Rabble? Could you post something there?

    Ted has 70 followers now, Salamander, thanks to the push from Canadian Cynic, Montreal Simon, Fern Hill, deBeauxOz, Saskboy, Tracey Kent, Kev@Trapped in a Whirlpool, Back of the Book, and no doubt many more I don't know about coz, um, not on twitter. *ducks*

    Don't forget to donate. Even if you can only afford a tiny one, it's a meal and vote of confidence.

  4. Donated through his blog, sent a friend request on Facebook and linked to your excellent appeal, Alison.

    I also don't do twitter but I'm happy to hear that many are joining/following him and hopefully encouraging him to tweet more frequently.

  5. Now THAT'S a real true Canadian for ya!! You go Ted! Fabulous to read about your protest and behind you all the way! Wish I knew some people on the route that could drive a bit for you, but I'm sure you will get many offers.
    Going to follow you on twitter as well, and will leave a little something on your donate thing-y.

    All the best to you, from Vancouver Island - I'll be watching from afar!


  6. Thanks so much for posting about Ted. I'll be following his journey and do wish him much luck.
    I've followed him on Twitter and FB, as well as his blog (which is where you can leave a donation).

  7. 100 followers now. It's a start.

  8. A little late to this but thanks Alison, very appreciated! Keep us updated.
