Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Traditional family values" ?

Conservatives tout traditional family values in message to party members
OTTAWA - The federal Conservatives are telling core supporters that "traditional family values" are a party stance, a phrase that so far has not entered the prime minister's public speeches or official Tory documents.
Well not quite and not for some time  ...

"A survey was circulated Tuesday to Conservative donors and "grassroots supporters," to "hear what issues matter to you the most."
The party's policy declaration does not use the term traditional family values, but talks about the family unit as "essential to the well-being of individuals and society." 
It goes on to say that the party supports legislation defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. That issue has not been raised by an Conservative MP in Parliament since 2006, and attempts to reopen the abortion debate have been quashed."
Yup, so it does ...

Conservative Party of Canada Policy Declaration, as amended Nov. 2, 2013, Page 28 
"We support legislation defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
Of course there's all kinds of families. Here's Steve's Con family :

h/t Stephen Lautens  for Ditchburn's news item.


  1. I'm not sure how much to read into this. I find it very unlikely that the Cons would try to ban gay marriage or something like that, since I think most Canadians are supportive of it. I suspect that they're trying to drum up some more donations fr the upcoming election.

  2. My take also. "Traditional family values" is teaparty-speak for "please send money". Still it was news to me that the November 2013 CPC Policy Declaration still supports legislation defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman so I thought it worth mentioning that the Cons are still touting the same shit as in 2005.

  3. Families, families, Cons, and families:


  4. He's really got that Yes, Minister shtick down now, hasn't he?

    Course, all the IDU brass just got together in Ottawa last week so not surprising if they've coordinated messaging - that being the greater part of the point of their existence.

    In other trad/fam/value news, the anti-LGBT nutter group World Congress of Families out of Rockford Illinois planned to hold its annual bunfest in the Kremlin next month to give Vlad Putin their Traditional Family Values Award.

    Quote : "At a time when Western governments are moving backward to a pagan worldview, Russia has taken a leadership role to advance the natural family."

    SPL Center :
    "Groups that are involved in the planning stages of the Moscow conference include Focus on the Family, Alliance Defending Freedom, the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM)."

    Nice friends you got there, Steve.

  5. Just a general comment on the Christian right (from an entry in August). Would some of these groups be as large if people became convinced that they were not going to get into heaven just because they had faith. What if only a thousand were chosen a year, based on complete self sacrifice and denial of any material comfort. That donating wouldn't cut it. Volunteering a couple hours a week or helping your neighbour wouldn't cut it either and .......anyway, I guess this has been discussed. (I'm just saying I might not go to class if I thought there was no way I would pass the big test.)

  6. .. Saulie Zajdel hasn't made your your excellent Con Collage .. star candidate ran against Cotler, arrested in corruption sweep.. last year ?

  7. Saulie made his entrance in June 2013 with Perps with Perks #6.
    He now sits above Brazeau because I was running out of room!
