Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Deep integration revisited

Hey, remember the Task Force on the Future of North America, brought to you by the US Council on Foreign Relations and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives back in 2005? Sure ya do. Co-chaired by blue dog liberal John Manley who also co-authored the resulting book:
"The Task Force's central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter."
OK, so they are a wee bit behind their 2010 deep integration schedule here.  And way way behind the Fraser Institute who in 1999 published a paper in favor of a continental monetary integration date - also for 2010.

The Case for the Amero: The Institutions of a North American Monetary Union
"On the day the North American Monetary Union is created--perhaps on January 1, 2010--Canada, the United States, and Mexico will replace their national currencies with the amero. ...  At the same time, the national central banks of the three countries will be replaced by the North American Central Bank. The board of governors of the North American Central Bank will consist of members from the United States, Canada, and Mexico chosen by their respective governments in numbers that reflect their economic importance and population." 
The Fraser Institute article credits Reform Party MPs Jason Kenney, Rob Anders, and Rahim Jaffer for "spearheading a debate in parliament over the issue of monetary union for North America" in 1999.

CFR, minus the help of John Manley and the CCCE this time, is apparently still in 'community-building' mode with the release of a new paper, North America : Time for a New Focus:
"The Council on Foreign Relations has convened an Independent Task Force on North America, co-chaired by David H. Petraeus, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (and head of leveage-buyout corp KKR Global), and Robert B. Zoellick, former president of the World Bank (and Chair at Goldman Sachs).
The Task Force will provide a comprehensive analysis of North American integration in areas including trade, security, migration, energy, and infrastructure, and will generate policy recommendations designed to enhance U.S. and regional competitiveness and well-being."
“Now is the moment for the United States to break free from old foreign policy biases to recognize that a stronger, more dynamic, resilient continental base will increase U.S. power globally.”
Not really new or news though, is it? :
US bid to "shore up" Harper from the day he was elected in 2006

In his 2011 re-election campaign, Harper put out a CPC ad giving it a jobs jobs jobs edge : 
"so we commit to expanding our management of the border to the concept of a North American perimeter" :

The same month as Harper's 2011 speech, WikiLeaks released one of US Ambassador Paul Cellucci's 2005 cables from the US Embassy in Ottawa.  In it he suggests that "Canadian policy makers" support a "security perimeter" via an "incremental and pragmatic package of tasks" emphasizing "security and prosperity" (SPP!) to pave the way for a future North American "single market and/or single currency."  
He also notes that due to its benefits for "law-enforcement and data-gathering", "our governments may always want to keep some kind of land border in place". Excerpted :
"An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers. Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both "security" and "prosperity" goals. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration. While in principle many of them support more ambitious integration goals, like a customs union/single market and/or single currency, most believe the incremental approach is most appropriate at this time...
Canadian economists in business, academia and government have given extensive thought to the possible options for further North American integration.
Paradoxically, the security and law enforcement aspects of the envisioned initiative could hold as much - or more - potential for broad economic benefits than the economic dimension.
ORDER VS. PERIMETER: Even with zero tariffs, our land borders have strong commercial effects. Some of these effects are positive (such as law enforcement and data gathering), so our governments may always want to keep some kind of land border in place."
Nine years later, the only real difference is that this is starting to sound normal to us.

Update : From Thwap in comments : Diane Francis, Editor-at-Large at the National Post, has a new book : 


  1. -Freinds who the fuck are you trying to fool steve?

  2. ".so they are a wee bit behind their 2010 deep integration schedule here"

    not that far behind schedule, discomforting to say the least

  3. Also I'm sure you remember this Alison:



    It is an interesting list of people who have propped up Steve and yet it is not conclusive. Conrad Black was a stand behind the scenes funder of Steve's Northern Foundation as well as many wealthy Canadian 1%ers that chose to stay anonymous. They are closet Queen's like their mail boy Steve.


  5. “Now is the moment for the United States to break free from old foreign policy biases to recognize that a stronger, more dynamic, resilient continental base will increase U.S. power globally.”

    I love how this is really about the US annexing Mexico and Canada for viagratic enhancement purposes. I think saw this quote on a vending machine above a pub urinal.

    I think that Julien Blanc guy in the news these days wrote this one:

    An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers. Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both "security" and "prosperity" goals. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration. While in principle many of them support more ambitious integration goals, like a customs union/single market and/or single currency, most believe the incremental approach is most appropriate at this time..

  6. "Paradoxically, the security and law enforcement aspects of the envisioned initiative could hold as much - or more - potential for broad economic benefits than the economic dimension."

    Not much of a paradox. I mean, if the security aspects do nothing useful whatsoever (economic benefits = 0), the active harm done by the economic dimension of this monstrosity would still be less economic benefit than that.


  7. more:

    Property rights in the Charter by Danielle and WRP

  8. PLG : Yes, and this idea was brought to us by the same US ambassador who publicly imagined giant aqueducts carrying water from Canada to the US. Still, I was amused by his nod to national security as such a good little moneymaker.

    Boris : Exactly! Or as I sometimes alternatively interpret it : Woof. Woof, woof, woof. Woof.
    re Julien Blanc, about whom I admittedly know nothing having read exactly one article about him. I used to have a friend who would approach women he found attractive and say "Hi. My name's Brick. Let's go." And they would laugh and laugh because so rarely do you meet someone through such a brash use of humour. When did this change?

    Mogs! Get a grip! One day we may indeed find proof that Harper had a serious history with the Northern Foundation 25 years ago, or even - as promoted on the same "dating" site where these stories originate - that he is in fact a giant lizard from outer space. But this is not it. That someone at some point changed a line in a book discussing the two public meetings Harper is said to have attended from "This Northern Foundation" to "his Northern Foundation", after which it was then repeated hundreds of times across the internet, doesn't constitute credibility let alone proof.

    re Taliano's HuffPo piece reprinted from here. Seriously?
    A 2005 embassy cable on the US meddling in local Venezuelan politics, which is not afaik in dispute anywhere, reports that the International Republican Institute arranged a tour of regional workshops by the Latin American Director of the Spanish Workers' Socialist Party. Additionally it states "IRI will be bringing in consultants who specialize in party renovation to discuss case studies of political parties in Germany, Spain, and Canada which successfully carried out the process of party renovation."

    That is the only mention of Canada. Did the Reform/Alliance/Cons/Tories renovate their party? Yes they did.

    The cable ends by saying local collaboration was rebuffed by the one Venezuelan party who initially expressed interest.

    And yet somehow this particular cited embassy cable is sufficient to show that "recently disclosed a wikileaks cable indicating that the International Republican Institute (IRI), an off-shoot of the CIA, and a subsidiary of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped install Stephen Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister. This was the coup."

    Again, we already know that the US Republican Party mucks about in Canada and has some strong ties to the Cons but that article you cite is just whack.

    We have to be smarter than this, Mogs. If I was a Con operative wanting to discredit an entire line of reasoning regarding the legitimacy of Harper's election, I couldn't have done a better job than that piece you link to.

  9. And right on schedule the alien lizard people proponents show up. Is that you, Glora/ginger snap of the many extra commas? Because when I want to know about Harper's early history, the first sign of credibility I look for in a website is a huge photo of a naked woman clutching her breasts.

    Not one of your best articles actually.
    I much prefer this one :
    "The SPP, seeks to replace a democratic model of government in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, with a totalitarian model of government inspired by "corporatism". Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Nazi Germany were both constructed around "corporatism". Adolf Hitler was also "inspired" to create Nazi Germany, as a result of having had contact with an allegedly racist and oppressive group of Manipulative Extraterrestrials, which had inspired his "Aryan" expansionist agenda.

    Extraterrestrial researchers in the field of "Exopolitics" like Dr. Michael Salla, have suggested that human minions are being influenced by Manipulative Extraterrestrials that seek to control Earth for its resources."

  10. Sam : Huh.

    "MP Jim Hillyer believes that property rights should be included in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Property rights are absolutely crucial to freedom, happiness and prosperity."

    Interesting he received his education in Utah.

    btw For reference, here's the Wikileaks Venezuela embassy cable mentioned in comments above.

  11. I think extraterrestrials would be insulted to be held responsible for our errant politicians. Didn't Hellyer say something to the effect that they don't want to be friends with us until we get our shit together?

    Alison, I use to have a friend who'd ask something similar when he was about town. Most women would say no, but eventually he'd find woman who'd say yes. You couldn't fault him for his lack of honesty.

  12. "Mogs! Get a grip! One day we may indeed find proof that Harper had a serious history with the Northern Foundation 25 years ago"

    Okay Alison all these people are wrong and you are defending Steve the hide in the broom closet queen?

    Um I think I have a firm grip on who Steve really is...

  13. Alison, did anyone ever figure out who "Dr. Debra Chin" of the Northern Foundation crap really is? I think it was Emily Dee who first linked to "her"?

  14. "Those who knew of his many years of involvement with the radical right which included connections to neo-Nazis, with whom he set up something called The Northern Foundation were appalled and fearful. The main function of the “foundation” was as a lobby to keep apartheid in effect in South Africa, to keep Nelson Mandella in prison or dead, and to assure that South Africa was a racist state with “white only power”. White rule."

    It was a fairly silent organization and was not meant for public purview you had to be invited you know something like skull and bones for the bush family.

    Everybody is wrong that were not invited to these secret meets then that means Skull and Bones does not exist either...

    And some say it was none other than Geronimo...

    Put that in your thinking cap, I am old enough to be your grandfather. That does not mean I am smarter it just means I have more worldly experience. Anyways Alison no offense taken.


  15. ``Prescott Bush had a colorful side. In 1988 the press revealed the complaint of an Apache leader about Bush. This was Ned Anderson of San Carlos, Oklahoma [sic], who charged that as a young army officer Bush stole the skull of Indian Chief [sic] Geronimo and had it hung on the wall of Yale's Skull and Bones Club."

    Is true? We do not know because we were not there yet there is a first hand historical account...

  16. Now i know why i saw a book by the always useless Diane Francis about the case for the unification of the USA and Canada.

  17. Thwap, and this from the National at-large editor of the National Post.

    That Taliano piece is the worst piece of crap I've ever read at HuffPo and that's going some.

    Mogs, bullshit repeated hundreds of times across the internet is still bullshit. If you want to learn something about the Nazi movement in Canada including where the Northern Foundation and Reform Party fit in, you could start with the names and timeline here.


    Yes Anon and Harper does not drink either unless he drinks...

    Now nobody is sugesting Harper was a nazi only that his "Northern Foundation" had ties to those guys and your web site looks horific, yuck.

  19. Holly Stick here:

    That Northern Foundation stuff is old and not well substantiated and not really useful. Harper's current behaviour is much more of a concern.

    See if Michael Harris mentions anything about the Northern Foundation thing in his new book.

  20. HollyStick : Harris doesn't mention Northern Foundation but then why would he? To be fair, he also doesn't delve too deeply into early Reform history. Maybe one day Grant Bristow will write a book.

    Mogs : No offence given, taken, or intended. This is just something I'm cranky about for reasons I've already stated. A few years ago I read everything I could find on this - including letters and pamphlets in libraries and old issues of Report - and it is my opinion any substantial link between Harper and NF is so far unproven. Even more so given how very public all those racist groups were at the time. Doesn't mean untrue, just unsubstantiated.

    Thwap : NaPo's record of support for deep integration continues unabated. Thanks for book link - added to post.

    Anon@6:51 : ARC Collective - an invaluable timeline resource from an ongoing blog. Thanks.

    Anon@9:53 : Emily Dee, although linking to Dr. Debra Chin's articles from her blog, has her own sources from her own research. She and I differ on this one.

  21. Alison are white bears rare?

    They found them in Sparwood BC so should we shrug the whole issue off?

    +Look it was a secrete organization you believe in skull and bones Mr. Harper paralleled that secrecy but it is well known Conrad Black helped Stevie boy launch Northern Foundation. How do you think a criminal crank "Knighted" and then jailed in the United excuse me excited states of America Harper gives free reign?????

    Connect the dots...
