Sunday, March 15, 2015

RNN : Canada's "Patriot Act" as a political ploy.

The Real News Network is doing a weekly panel discussion on Canadian issues and it's refreshingly less middling than the media panels we have become accustomed to
In today's panel, Leo Panitch and Dimitri Lascaris take on Bill C-51, the tanking tarsands, and the political positioning of the Libs, Cons, and NDP going into the next election. 

Please click through to RNN at the link to show your support for a vid I've only pillaged from their site. 



  2. PM's recent gun talks are bringing out the yahoo gun-hos:

    The comments section is FILLED with gun-lovers and all of them can't understand that the article is talking about the seriousness that is entailed when the PMO is advocating for guns for self-defense....except we don't have castle law in Canada. You can't just shoot trespassers or someone committing a B&E on your property because we have elements of proportionality and reasonableness that is a core principle in our legal system. I wonder if the c-51 and white supremacist and PMO comments are all linked together so that Harper can simulatenously pass a law and have himself arrested while he's at it.

    This political scenery is getting stranger and stranger.

  3. Cash cow + wedge issue = a perfect Con storm.

    NaPo tonight : "Prime Minister Stephen Harper says rural Canadians need firearms for their own security so they can shoot people who pose a danger."

    Jenni Byrne's election gun funder

    If only it were possible to get the gun-hos this interested in the rest of their disappearing rights ...

  4. " I wonder if the c-51 and white supremacist and PMO comments are all linked together so that Harper can simulatenously pass a law and have himself arrested while he's at it."

