Thursday, June 18, 2015

Harper's Perps with Perks #16

Senator Don "U So Hot" Meredith - Harper Senate appointee, one-time failed Con Party candidate, family values guy and ordained Pentecostal Minister - is all about the youth...

Teen alleges two-year affair with Senator Don Meredith

From Senator Don Meredith's Conservative Party of Canada bio :
"A passionate champion of youth empowerment, in 2002, he co-founded the Greater Toronto Faith Alliance Centre where he continues to serve as volunteer Executive Director to engage, encourage and empower marginalized youth ..." 
From Senator Don Meredith's Senate mission statement :
"One of my major Senate visionary objectives is to encourage development of national strategies for overcoming the alienation of our young people and preparing them for significant family, community and leadership roles. Much of my work in Toronto, as a business person, community advocate and pastor has focused on initiatives involving youth and I hope my Senate work will be a means to encourage leadership in this area across Canada."

Harper's Perps with Perks: Boxed Set!  
As seen on TV!   Get yours while supplies last!   Offer void where prohibited. Some age restrictions may apply. 


  1. scotty on denman18/6/15 6:40 am

    Whoa yeah!

    It just gets better.

  2. If these allegations are true, this "youth" senator used his position of power to sexually groom an underage girl for two years in order to have sex with her when she turned 18 and then dump her. That's just appalling.

  3. I see a new comedy series on PMSH post-politics career. SH as head of a hiring/headhunting consultancy where he uses his mad skilz at judging capability and character to pick the best talent for his corporate clients. Episodes feature SH over-ruling or embracing the advice of his staff of 25 year olds in short-pants (see Jeff Goldblum's crew in Life Aquatic?), and recommending people who then go on to sink their new employers in a series of increasingly bizarre scandals.

  4. a centrifuge of primal slime

  5. wow, if true, there better be conviction. child sexual exploitation, abuse of power, and hiding behind religion...

  6. He's already lawyered up. I think anybody in that spot would be quick to follow suit. This is the sort of thing where you leave all the talking up to counsel. If you don't you risk saying something that could wind up making your head explode.
