Sunday, August 14, 2016

Balancing jobsjobsjobs with destroying the planet

Brilliant one minute speech New Zealand MP James Shaw made to an almost empty house. Before going into politics, Shaw was a consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers and HSBC.


  1. I hope you have sent this along to our 'new' government, Alison.

  2. What people tend to forget is that Australia has always had wild weather and wild fires. Every day since I twigged to climate nonsense late in 2009 I have collected articles on climate matters - to find incessant fearmongering propaganda quite undaunted. Good job !

  3. Actually that was New Zealand, Opit, not Australia.

    But maybe you can clear something up for me. What is the supposed endgame behind the world's scientists' climate change propaganda? Local tarsands advocates say it's an American oil company plot to hobble their Canadian competition - which when you think about it would really piss off the US shareholders who make up the bulk of recipients of Canadian corps - but what is the rationale for the rest of the world's scientists?
