Thursday, April 06, 2006


Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals

Discovered in Nunavut, the 375 million year old fossil is five to nine feet long and has the fins and scales of a fish but the ribs, neck, head and wrist bones of an animal capable of hauling itself onto land.
Dr. Shubin, the evolutionary biologist who made the find, said, "It's a really amazing, remarkable intermediate fossil. It's like, holy cow."

But not everyone was thrilled.
"Duane T. Gish, a retired official of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, said, "This alleged transitional fish will have to be evaluated carefully." But he added that he still found evolution "questionable because paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story."

Also missing is any transitional evidence between plankton and pineapples, or between creationists and science.

Obviously the only fossil discovery which would satisfy creationists would need to be 5000 years old and look something like this :


  1. plankton and pineapples :)

    and yeah, i agree, creatianity is a demon-centered mythology

  2. I was digging in the back yard today, searching for evidence of God, and lo and behold, I found a 1949 Canadian nickle.

    It will have to be evaluated carefully because I have yet to discover any transitional nickles between complex dishwashers and galvanized nails.

    I tossed away the spearhead I found. Everyone tells me it is about 9000 years old, and we all know that can't be true.

    Great post. (I didn't know you knew my Mother!)

  3. Dr. Shubin, the evolutionary biologist who made the find, said, "It's a really amazing, remarkable intermediate fossil. It's like, holy cow."

    hehe...more like holy not quite a cow!!

    but the angel fossil remains...great image, wherever did you get it??

  4. dave : Great comment!

    luise : I make 'em. And I loved that he said holy cow too.

  5. Me, I'm surprised the good folks from the Creation Institute have not yet started to Blame Canada.


  6. I just found next year's Halloween costume.
