Friday, April 07, 2006

Proportional representation of a different kind

Campaign donations to BC's top three parties 1996- Oct 2004 :

BC Liberals $41,735,398
Corporate and business share..............69%
Individual donations share..................28%
Labour donations share........................--

BC NDP $27,260,960
Corporate and business share................3%
Individual donations share...................87%
Labour donations share........................9.5%

BC Greens $665,517
Corporate and business share.................2.5%
Individual donations share....................97%
Labour donations share.........................---

List of donors and their contributions at


  1. Corporations and Biz are 69'ing with the Libs. Hmm, always wondered what they were doing in bed with each other.

  2. Pretty amazing when you think of it.

    Even with >$14M less money and without the mighty BC is the Best Place on Earth whirlitzer that a party given up for dead came within 5 points of the BC Liberals.

    And just imagine how close it would have been if Mr. Campbell and minions hadn't stooped to manufacturing the 'Wedge issue on a Silver Platter'.

    Oh and one last thing (apologies Alison, but this issue really winds me up), but haven't the LINO's been pushing the meme that the majority of their donations come from from private individuals (ie. that's not the majority of the $$$ of course). Of course, we live in Rovian times and clearly these people will do anything to win.

