Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bloggerpalooza! - YAWP!

Damn but that was a fine time.
Great to put a face to all those bloggers.
And I know what you're wondering. Nope, no pix.
But are Dave, Dana, Declan, Laura, David, Bob, Ross, and Ian really even smarter and funnier in real life than they are on their blogs? You bet they are. I just loved us all to bits.
Many thanks to WEB for suggesting we do this and to all who came.
Till next time...


  1. I wish I could have made it.But my best bud's,girl gave birth to their second child( a girl).Healthy and cute,well as cute as a new born can get

  2. Dirk, taking the phrase "engaged spectator" to a whole new level...
    Next time, Dirk.

    Aunty B: Sadly no karaoke so Ross had to perform without any backup help at all ;-)

  3. I especially liked it when he got on top of the table next to us and awed the whole room with his out of control rendition of Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild.

    That was a fine time.

  4. Had a blast! The entertainment was outstanding, including the new method of berthing a ferry as provided by Spirit of British Columbia.

    Thanks to all for the afternoon!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. But Dana, you forgot to mention the rousing crowd response you, Dave and Ian received as you sang the "Doo Wop" backup to Ross' "Born to Be Wild" lead. Gladys Knight's Pips have nothing on you guys!!

    Thanks to Alison for organizing the historic event, and it appears that all attending would like a re-do in the near future. Count me in if I'm in town - Great fun!

  7. I'm just glad all those hours of rehearsal didn't go to waste.

  8. Hey.

    I hate Steppenwolf.

    I'm gettin' pretty good at Neil's 'Keep On Rockin' on my new 'lectric guitar however.

    Really was fun - looking forward to the next one.


  9. Thanks, Alison! It was a great time and I'm really looking forward to the next one -- putting faces and personalities to blogs really enhances the whole thing.

    (Shorter version: I Like Meat.)

