Sunday, April 22, 2007


(Leaving this up at the top for a week - newer current posts below).

When : Noon on Sunday April 22
Where : Olympia Pizza at Denman and Nelson in Vancouver's West End.
Who : Ross from The Gazetteer,
Dave and Dana from The Galloping Beaver,
Bob from Moving To Vancouver.
Declan from Crawl Across the Ocean
Dirk from Engaged Spectator and Gimp Chronicles
Aunty Bertha and me. So far....

So if you're a lotusland blogger and would like to come, leave me a message here or e me at alisonmatdowcodotcom and I'll update as needed.

Bob and David started all this by leaving a comment in my snarky post about Olympic branding, suggesting we meet at Olympia Pizza for lunch, Ross said he'd come, and none of us have met before so here we go.

Please pass this on and we'll see you all there!
Note : Do you think they'll have karaoke?


  1. Karaoke?

    At Noon?

    On Sunday?


  2. Sing, Ross, SING!!

    Alison, I have an idea. It's in your email.

  3. Bloggerpalooza!

    I love it!!

    Glad to be the catalyst for all of the "cool bloggers" to finally meet in reality . . .

    Looking forward to it, but please: No Karaoke! Perhaps performance art?


  4. Hey, karaoke's cool with me. I claim "My Way". I can cough my through that just like Sinatra.

    I'll be coming from the north shore so no help for Dave. My beloved may even decide to join me since its a Sunday and we rarely get down to the west end.

    Maybe Dave can get his -ahem- client to cover a flight into Coal Harbour and we can meet him there.

    Or not.

    Looking forward to it.

  5. I just did Pacific Coach Lines roundtrip from Pacific Central Station in downtown Vancouver to Victoria roundtrip. It picks passengers up at Tsawwassen - Could that work for you, Dave? It's a one-bus ride (C21 or C23) to The West End from Pacific Central station.

  6. I will make an effort to try and make it.Sounds like fun


  7. Actually, my client... is one cheap sumbitch and the taxman knows it. :)

    Things are changing. I'll be there as advertized, but the route may be changing slightly.

  8. Doh! Thwarted by Geography!

  9. I wish I could be there. Instead you all have an invite for the SaskBloggers BBQ on July 8 in Regina.

  10. I'll be with you in spirit.
    And in July we'll likely be visiting in Vancouver, so maybe we could get together then???

  11. D'oh! I am so jealous. Its a long way from Tokyo, but you can count me in, if only in spirit.

  12. Hi guys -- I'd like to come if it's ok and meet some of the people I've been reading (even though my blogging output has been pretty tragic.)

    Laura (Galloping Beaver, LWC)

  13. I say Laura can come as long as agrres to act as the Official Five-Ringed Olympic Karaoke judge?


  14. Sounds good. Ross, you can lead off and that way we know where to establish the benchmarks. :)

    See you there, Laura!

  15. There are absolutely no marks on my bench.

    Why that would be bloggerpaloozian vandalism of the most insidious kind!

    Regardless, Laura is now fully obligated to come regardless.


  16. Ok, Ross, I think I have finally located a karaoke machine for Sunday for you. Do you want it for Saturday as well so you can practice up first? Because in that case I can probably get you a weekend rate.

  17. This is entertaining prior to actually occurring .... Great!

  18. A--

    Perhaps this is the time to let you know directly (since I can't locate a brother-in-law who works for the local constabulary at the moment to act as a divulgionary intermediary) that, thanks to the Two E.s, I currently have access to just such a machine in my very own abode.



  19. Lotusland bloggers into more than just blgging? Sounds cool. I'll try and make 'er down.

  20. Wow!

    The I-Ching-King too.

    Sure hope he brings his stack of paparazzi pix.

    You know, stuff like this.


  21. Hey sounds cool, can I come? I promise to behave!

    I write for three blogs; and are both mine, and also write for

  22. Sadly, I wasn't able to make it. Too much homework for the little one to deal with. Kids in grade 3 should not be getting 2 hours of homework!

    I hope a good time was had by all.


  23. GAB--

    Sorry you couldn't make it.

    Me, I'm startin' to think I just might vote for anybody who promises to decrease homework.


  24. Hey Ross,

    Let me know the next time you are going to blog from the Laughing Bean and I will wander over for one of their very fine Mochas.


  25. Wish you'd been there too Auntie B. I had just the best time.
    And Scott! - you didn't need an invite!
    Never mind - we agreed we'll be doing this again.
