Monday, July 09, 2007

Don't mention the war

I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it all right...

Globe&Mail : The office of General Rick Hillier, Canada's top soldier, has halted the release of any documents relating to detainees captured in Afghanistan under the federal Access to Information Act, claiming that disclosure of any such information could endanger Canadian troops.

"The release of this information may be very prejudicial to the safety of CF [Canadian Forces] and allied personnel."

"In the process, we are learning that some of the information that may have been previously released in response to an Access to Information Request can be used against CF personnel ..."

His office goes on to repeat this eight different ways without ever using the phrases "war crimes", or "national disgrace", or even his trademark "scumbags".

UPDATE : LOL! From Jennifer at Runesmith :
"Oh, but you left out the funny part:

"Asked if there was any evidence that soldiers' safety had been compromised because of earlier disclosure of detainee information, DND spokesman Marc Raider responded that "the information cannot be provided for operational security reasons."

We really are living in a George Orwell novel, aren't we? "


Jennifer Smith said...

Oh, but you left out the funny part:

"Asked if there was any evidence that soldiers' safety had been compromised because of earlier disclosure of detainee information, DND spokesman Marc Raider responded that "the information cannot be provided for operational security reasons.""

We really are living in a George Orwell novel, aren't we?

Q said... previously when this information was being released our troops were also endangered...but no one has been reprimanded for that serious breach?

And I'll have an order of Herman Gering and an Eva Braun cocktail.

Alison said...

Coming right up, Q.
Say, would you like a side order of freis with that?

Anonymous said...

Ibbitson says McKay says there is no NAU and that's good enough for him : Glib and Male

Alison said...

Jan : Thanks - blogged!
This is the 3rd integration-denialist print media item in 2 weeks. WEB sent me a Barbara Yaffe too : "It'll be great! Why are those greens and dippers such a drag about it?"

Glib&Male™ - Lol!I am so using that...
Not strictly true, but funny.

Rev.Paperboy said...

And people say the Canadian Forces learned nothing from the Shidane Arone fiasco...

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