Sunday, March 22, 2009

Canadians plan physical escort of Galloway into Canada

CP : "Organizers of the four-city speaking tour of British anti-war MP George Galloway are going to challenge the decision to bar him from Canada in court.

Should that fail, a delegation of Canadian MPs, lawyers and activists is assembling to escort Galloway from the U.S., where he is on tour, across the Canadian border [on Monday March 30th].
A legal team, led by prominent immigration and refugee lawyer Barbara Jackman, has assembled support of more than 50 organizations.
Groups include the Council of Canadians, Canadian Civil Liberties Union, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights, anti-war coalitions in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, several large labour unions and many community organizations."

Galloway's 4 day speaking tour - March 30 in Toronto, March 31 in Mississauga, April 1 in Montreal and April 2 in Ottawa -will focus on the war on Afghanistan.
The CBC interview below from a couple of year's back clearly illustrates why the current Canadian government is not eager to hear any more of Mr. Galloway's opinions on the subject.

Defend Free Speech, Lift the Ban on George Galloway
For all you anti-war free speech mongers in Lotusland, there's a demo in Vancouver tomorrow : Monday Mar. 23 at 12:30pm in front of Immigration Canada at 300 W. Georgia, at the corner of Hamilton.


  1. Straight talk is the enemy of Canadian Neocon sloganeering.

    This "banning" is just another punch-line for the sad joke that Canada has become.

    Galloway speaks the truth as usual in this interview but that George Snuffaluffagus is quite the vacant shill for the powers that be.
    No wonder he has a show on the CBC.

  2. Overall, great news and once again, egg on the faces of the conservatives. People often get offended by him but they should, he only tells what he thinks and doesn't lie about it. At least he's honest. This ban is just useless.

    Take care, Lorne
