Saturday, March 21, 2009

George Galloway vs the Canadian director of the Jewish Defense League

in which Meir Weinstein takes credit for having Galloway banned from Canada and makes some rather unattractive threats about having the anti-war organisers of Galloway's now cancelled Canadian appearances checked out for links to terrorists.

However much I may not care for Jason Kenney or his decision to allow Galloway to be banned, he doesn't deserve to wear Weinstein ... but he does own the tie.

Galloway rather more sanguine here about the next Canadian election than the rest of us are, I think.

Update : More on this vid from Skdadl and Dr.Dawg

Sunday Night Update : Let Him Speak : Allow George Galloway To Speak in Canada

Over 4000 members on Facebook; over 3000 signatures on the petition.



  1. "We will see to it that the Canadian government will be monitoring every individual and organisation connected with it."

    Holy shit!
    Over to you, Mr Kenney.


  2. Well, I already sent the Email below to Mr. Michael........

    Do they have Internet in the slammer?

    Hon. Michael Ignatieff:-


    Regarding the action of Canada Border Services Agency - Banning George Galloway

    I uphold the comments you made via CBC this afternoon (Friday 20 March,) in support of George Galloway's "free-speech" admission to Canada. However, I'm a little disturbed at your references to his so-called "support" for terrorist organizations.

    Galloway recently organized a huge motorcade carrying millions of dollars of humanitarian relief across Europe (starting in the UK), traversing North Africa and finally into Gaza. The motorcade was three miles long, and resulted in the opening of many border crossing points across the Magreb, - significantly that between Morocco and Algeria, - previously closed for many years. Quite an achievement. None of this was covered by BBC or CBC, - and one wonders why, because the motorcade was a fantastic response by sane people (George Galloway) to the murderous and insane policies prevailing in the Canadian-US-UK-Israeli policy sector. And this good man is banned from Canada?

    Reflecting on the recent sickening Zionist massacres in Gaza, about which the Canadian Government has had pathetically little to say, - your criticism of George Galloway is difficult to understand.

    Galloway does not speak rubbish, - in fact he has great perspicacity regarding what is proving to be a New World Order manipulation of the mainstream media. I suggest that you may like to start listening to some of his "single sentences," that you say you have so far ignored. Your dismissive attitude to Galloway is not supported by many, many Canadians; nor does it reflect your own widely respected intellect and statesmanship.

    Regarding Galloway's stand on Hamas, the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization by CBSA has anyway been a knee-jerk "George-Bush-instigated" reflex on the part of MY government here in Canada. Hamas was democratically elected remember.

    Sir, did I here you remark on George W. Bush's recent intrusion into Canada (his Calgary speech?) Who is the more dangerous instigator, the war criminal Bush or the humanitarian and peacemaker Galloway? The Hon. Jason Kenney is going to have to do some explaining following the stupid and naive action perpetrated by his Ministry in allowing entry to G.W. Bush but blocking George Galloway. I, and millions of Canadians want to see and hear Galloway.

    Regardless of your personal opinion of George Galloway, please continue to support his entry into MY country. For goodness sake, he can be heard and seen anytime by the whole world anyway, - try , or the proceedings of the British Houses of Parliament. Please ask the CBSA, - what good does banning him from Canada do? None, - such a ban just makes Canada look uninformed and intolerant, - if not furtively Islamophobic. The next time you bump into Jason Kenney, please tell him that Canadians don't need protecting from Galloway; they need protection from the lies of George W. Bush.

    COPIED TO: Hon Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
    With respect,

    Roger Dixon, P.Eng., MPH
    Consultant, Health, Safety & Environment

  3. An excellent letter, Mr. Dixon.

    Question : Just how "Canadian" is the CBSA? Independent? Or a Canada-US hybrid?


  4. Unfortunately for Mr. Dixon his cogent letter has been sent to yet another servant of the Israel Lobby here in Canada.

    This is how it will be from now on in Canada as "The Lobby" is now out in the open dictating government policy.

    Now all you Galloway/Terrorist loving "anti-semites" will be investigated.
