Some 20 comments down the page five days later someone brings up Farber marching in the Pride Parade with a political group and Zerbisias retorts ironically :"Excuse me but since when did the interests of Zionist lobby groups determine who or what Canadians can see and hear?
In recent months, to list just three examples, there have been concerted campaigns against the staging of Caryl Churchill's controversial Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza and an academic conference at York University where the so-called "one-state solution'' was to be discussed.
We also saw British MP George Galloway be denied entry to the country for a speaking tour, just because he brought aid to bombed-out Gaza.
Now comes word that the only way the respected Al-Jazeera English news service, currently applying for TV distribution in Canada, can win the support of these same Jewish groups is to have them become consultants.
Journalistically speaking, that is hardly kosher."
"Yes imagine my surprise when I saw Bernie Farber identifying himself as queer by joining a pro-Israel gay rights group in the parade ... Funny because I didn't know he was gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that."
"It's distasteful to me to repeat what she wrote, but context – and making public amends to Farber – demands it ... an embarrassment for the Star ... tasteless and fell short of the Star's standards ... don't have the right to stereotype or scapegoat ... invective and notions of absolute free speech ... sarcastic nonsense ...Farber is not gay...
The issue was subsequently discussed by the CJC's executive committee, concerned that inaccurate information about Farber was "published under the Star banner."
OK, now, Lady Alison.
This: (Amongst other lines) "f'in cracked me up.
"how stupid do you want to look?
Get a fucking grip.
You think this is about teh gay, or in this case, teh obvious-to-everyone-else not gay?"
Luckily, I was not enjoying a mouthful of my fine "home-brewed" red wine at the time, as it no doubt would have been spewed across the room. (This is not a long distance in our tiny strata, BTW.)
Thank you once again for an enjoyable, thoughtful, well-researched post . . . .
ps: The "not that there's anything wrong with that" reference brought me WAY back to the "Seinfeld" days.
Thanks . . . .
Right ON. I am VERY pissed about how they caved on Zerbisias and VERY pissed about what that means about MSM like The Star. Zerbisias is the only reason I ever pick UP the damned thing!
They leave you with a deeper understanding of sanctimony, don't they, these people -- Farber, Cruickshank, and his steno, English -- who whine about rough manners in the blogosphere, all the while actually behaving as schemers or cowards.
Terrific post, Alison. (Note to Kathy English: What Alison wrote is called a blog-post. What I've written is called a comment. Have a nice day at your well-edited newspaper.)
Didya know you can find @kathyenglish on Twitter? Given Antonia also has an (active) account and so have a lot of lefties...
Nobody would have given a flying fuck about some comments left on a five day old blogpost if Kathy English hadn't decided to blow Farber on the pages of The Star.
Now her cowardly pedantry is featured on The Corner. LOLZ.
I doubt that Kathy English "decided" that on her own. The poor schlub was pretty much taking dictation is my guess.
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