Thursday, April 21, 2011

Election 2011 : Two polls walk into a bar ...


EKOS and Ipsos Reid polls - just a snapshot in time of what a few thousand Canadians think today .

EKOS seat projections : Cons - 134 seats, down from 143, so no majority
Libs - 82 seats, up from 77
NDP - 60 seats, up from 36
Bloc - 32 seats, down from 47
Ipsos Reid poll puts the NDP ahead of the Libs nationally

and in Quebec : NDP : 28% ; Bloc : 27% ; Cons : 24% ; Libs : 20%

House Effect : Surprise. Ipsos Reid notable for usually massively overestimating Cons and underestimating NDP compared to other polling companies, rather like every political pundit and talking head in the country to date.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, when the Dippers take Quebec, Harper can call them the Socialist Separatists!

