Sunday, May 08, 2011

The best democracy money can buy

From Paul Wells' The untold story of the 2011 election :
"In the weeks before the budget, a Liberal strategist said, the Conservatives bought airtime to run 1,600 ads. “We had 131, and the NDP had, like, 25 or something,” the Liberal said. “It was a massacre.”
And then there's the best democracy media concentration can buy.

Dwayne Winseck tracked 62 daily newspapers from the ten main newspaper groups in Canada comprising 97.5% of the industry. QMI Sun Media has 18 papers while Post Media is the largest publisher of English-language daily newspapers in Canada at 12, plus another 8 weeklies. Together these two account for just over 50% of the market share.

He found that 21 out of 22 editorial endorsements that advocated for a specific candidate for Prime Minister - including 10 from Post Media and 6 from Sun Media - plumped for Harper. As noted by Winseck, that's 95%.


  1. This is a 'dog bites man' story - could have been written before the drop of the writ.

    An amazing title would be "Papers Found to be Diversified in PM Endorcments".

  2. 1600 to 25 is more like a 'flea bites man' story.

    Vote for us - we already own everything!

  3. And with this they managed to shift the vote total... 2%. Some of it no doubt by lies that will have caught up with them by the next election.

    Food for thought there.

  4. Yup, million$ and million$ spent to inch up just 2% - rather gives one hope.

  5. Perhaps the cons have enough rope now... oh dog, pleeease.
