Monday, May 09, 2011

"A quick perimeter security deal"

is what an editorial in the Windsor Star is calling for now that Steve has his majority despite "opposition MPs who claimed it would weaken Canadian sovereignty":
"The reality is this: There is no other way to keep goods and services flowing freely across our borders."
Department of Homeland Security, Feb 1:
"DHS believes the risk of terrorist activity across the northern border is higher than across the southern border because there are active Islamist extremist groups in Canada that are not in Mexico, it is easier to cross the northern border because it is twice as long as the southern border, and DHS has a fraction of the law enforcement officers and surveillance assets on the northern border than it has in the south."
Three days later Steve and Obama released their Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness, although news of it had already been leaked back in December.

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano five days ago at the May 4 US Senate Committee on Homeland Security, transcript from audio webcast : 
"Our strategy for the northern border is different. It's much more technology-dependant for example so we are adding more systems up there that can detect low-flying aircraft. Also our partnership with Canada has really evolved over the past months so that you had Prime Minister Harper and President Obama themselves announcing a joint vision for a perimeter [here Napolitano makes a big circle in the air with her hands] involving Canada and the United States and greater cooperation with Canadian law enforcement on both sides of the border. That is going extraordinarily well. For example we are looking at being able to integrate their own sensors and radar feeds into our system as well."
Enter thinktanky support from the Wilson Center in Washington DC, who awarded Steve their Public Service Award in 2006 after he had been in office a whole 8 months . Via Luiza Ch. Savage, a link to an upcoming May 11 Wilson Center event :

Northern Border Crime and Terror Networks: Fact or Fiction? : (italics mine)"

How vulnerable is the Canada-U.S. border to crime and terrorism? Americans are concerned that terrorists might infiltrate from the North ...

In an effort to inform a more evidence-based policy approach to Canada-U.S. border integrity, a team of U.S. and Canadian researchers has been collecting data on cross-border criminal activity, with surprising results on the nature and extent of cross-border criminal connections on both sides of the border. The findings bolster the argument in favor of shifting from joint enforcement to joint jurisdiction—a model similar to the way Canada and the United States have been collaborating on matters of national defense for decades."
Flashback : David Biette, director of the Canada Institute at the Wilson Center, in 2009
"Perimeter is no longer a dirty word. ... The old Toronto nationalists of the 1960s were essential to building the idea of a postmodern Canada, but now they're starting to die off."
as Steve and his various US enablers are no doubt hoping for the same for Canadian sovereignty.

Of the "US and Canadian researchers" speaking at the Wilson Center event, I note that the US researchers and at least one of the three Canadian researchers receive funding from Homeland Security and the US Defense Dept.


  1. Best 'evidence-based policy' money can buy?

  2. Working the tag team with Creekside: Cristian Leuprect - the stellar specimen of a Canadian working for the man - I mean HLS - are of course all the US participants from the Global Terrorism Database, START, a Homeland Security Center of Excellence (no less).

  3. Translation:

    "Perimeter is no longer a dirty word. ... The old Toronto nationalists of the 1960s were essential to building the idea of a postmodern Canada, but now they're starting to die off."

    Canadian nationalism is so 1960s.

    another translation (mine):

    "Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness, "

    Imperialism is so 1860s.

  4. Free movement of goods and services serves capital only unless there's also free movement of labour. When do we all get free green cards?

  5. The News Reporter says, the U.S. was just waiting for Harper's majority, to start the N.A.U.

    There is a search for a judge to prosecute, Harper and Peter MacKay for war crimes and crimes against humanity. There is also a petition to sign, if you want the trial.

    They say, the Federal election was rigged.

    They say, Harper is corrupt.

    They say it is the Federal Reserve Bank, is forcing the merger.

    The American people do not want the merger with Canada and Mexico.

    There is unrest all around the globe. Citizens in other country's are protesting their governments dirty tactics, corruption and lies.

    The globe has become a very scary planet, for the citizens in the world.
