Friday, July 24, 2015

Terrorism-To-Go Advisory System

Rob Nicholson's communications team set Foreign Affairs bureaucrats a quota of producing three terrorism-related statements per week for minister Rob Nicholson to make to the media. 
They were to be crafted from an event reported by the news media. 
"One Foreign Affairs bureaucrat, who spoke to CBC News on condition of anonymity, said: "We're not making a special effort to fulfil this odd request."
What a bunch of slackers. 

Here's 6 terrorism-related news reports from just the past 24 hours :

1) Inquisitr, July 23 : Lafayette Movie Theater Shooting: Terrorism Fears Raised After Six Shot In Louisiana Theater
Old white guy starts shooting spree 20 minutes into the movie Trainwreck

Dylann Roof, the white 21-year-old man who allegedly gunned down nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17 in order to "start a race war" not charged with domestic terrorism.
"Tolerance toward terrorists ends today. A stone-thrower is a terrorist and only a fitting punishment can serve as a deterrent and just punishment,” Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said"

“The honourable minister [Mackay] expressed his appreciation for the major leading role played by the kingdom on the international arena,” wrote Prince Saud. “He emphasized Canada’s desire to develop relations with the kingdom in all fields.”
OK so admittedly that last one doesn't have the word terrorism right in its header like the others but just add this handy graph and you're good to go :

There ya go, Rob. You're welcome.


  1. Not really the kind of terrorism stories Rob is looking for here, alison ;)

  2. scotty on denman24/7/15 2:31 pm

    Two more makes a week.

  3. Interesting that Canada doesn't rate a single mention in the ISIS supporters tweeters chart yet Steve just can't shut up about them.

  4. Watched this the other day:

    Quite well done and in line with this.

  5. Rumour about video of John Baird possibly used by Nathan Jacobson for blackmail:

  6. That was me Holly Stick about the video rumour
