Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Duffy-Cons of Canada - they're just not ready

... in their own words.

Bumped from comments ;-) :

Kev : "I'm sure Harper rejects that "rendition of the facts ' as well"

Boris : "Kev, oh, their rendition of the facts tends to be extraordinary. There's a vault in the Turks and Caicos where they lock them up. It's full of papers and reports from government scientists, scandalous emails, models of the solar system, a globe, post-cold war maps of the world, the Constitution Act 1982, a photo of PET, a CBC logo, a UN logo, a census long form, Harper's economics degree, IPCC reports, submitted questions from the newsmedia, and so on. It's guarded by 23 year old PMO interns in shorts and blue golf shirts, and knee socks. Cabinet ministers periodically fly down to beat them up and scream at them. The facts I mean, and maybe the interns, come to think of it."


  1. They'll NEVER be ready. The wreckage of the past ten years is evidence of that.

    The people who support them are either greedy selfish sociopaths or deluded mental incompetents or simple ignoramuses.

    None of them really ready for democratic responsibilities.

  2. Im sure Harper. rejects that "rendition of the facts ' as well

  3. Yes, he "refuses the premise" that anything he may have ever said in the past should have bearing on you believing what he says now that directly contradicts it.

  4. scotty on denman18/8/15 1:21 pm

    Isn't that Novak fella getting close to getting included in Canada's most eminent perp walk?

  5. Kev, oh, their rendition of the facts tends to be extraordinary. There's a vault in the Turks and Caicos where they lock them up. It's full of papers and reports from government scientists, scandalous emails, models of the solar system, a globe, post-cold war maps the world, the Constitution Act 1982, a photo of PET, a CBC logo, a UN logo, a census long form, Harper's economics degree, IPCC reports, submitted questions from the newsmedia, and so on. It's guarded by 23 year old PMO interns in shorts and blue golf shirts, and knee socks. Cabinet ministers periodically fly down to beat them up and scream at them. The facts I mean, and maybe the interns, come to think of it. There are rumours of a bunker from which senior party members will orchestrate a last ditch fight overturn the election result should the NDP or Liberals win.

  6. Harper Cons will steal the elections by suppressing voters rights, robo-calling non-Cons to to imaginary polls in parking lots. If necessary, CPC poll workers will be told to discount and reject ballot votes for non-Con candidates.

    They are desperate criminals who have a history of cheating and defrauding.
