Stephen Harper appeared in public in his secret Promise Keepers Canada crown for the first time today, as seen above. Introduced at a news conference by David Sweet, a Tory candidate and former president of Promise Keepers Canada, Mr Harper has also obtained the endorsement of the 'Globe and Mail' and the 'National Post'.
Fuck, I never wanted to turn the Canadiam flag into Devil Horn's, but now its been done. And this scares me!
I now feel like the 50% of our progressive brothers and sisters in the beautiful land south of our border who got their ideals stolen by complicit media and bigshit business. And it sucks!
Kanada + Iraq= Never!
Yeah, b-boy, I know.
But just like in the states, this has been going on up here for some time now. It's painful that its face is becoming more visible to us, but the sooner we see the whites of its eyes, the better.
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