Today MacKay will face questions from the opposition for the first time.
In light of this, I have compiled the following helpful cheat sheet for him.
Number of children killed in Israeli air raid on Qana yesterday - 34
Number of Lebanese refugees - 750,000
Number of Lebanese casualties - 750
Number of Israeli casualties - 33 soldiers and 18 civilians
Number of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails - 9,153
Number of Israelis captured by Palestinians since 1984 - 1
Bonus tip : Polling on Lebanese support for the Hezbollah resistance as reported by the Christian Science Monitor: an increase of 29% since February :
Shiite - 87%
Sunni - 89%
Christian - 80%
Druze - 80%
So if you wanted to finish on an upbeat note, Mr MacKay, you could point out that your government's support of the US/Israeli "Birth of a New Middle East" policy is helping to unite Sunnis, Shiites, and Christians in a common cause.
Or you could just quote Condi again : something about deeply regret...omelet...eggs.
Tuesday update - Two corrections required here :
A typo : Number of Israelis captured by Palestinians since 1994 : 1
And not doing my own fact checking : Shiite support for Hezbollah resistance : 96.3%
You can read the rest of the Beirut Center For Research poll here.
Update #2
No regrets or eggs or omelets from MacKay today.
I guess Israel denouncing the ceasefire an hour after Condi's plane left the ground following her announcement of an immanent ceasefire threw him off his game a bit.
Wait a minute....what's this? Holy shit! New post!