Or as Fern Hill put it : 90% Don't Give a Shit
The Massive New Poll, as Campaign Life Coalition call it, was carried out via an automated demon-dialer which, according to the brand new website of the market research company CLC employed to bother people eating their dinner, "plays a pre-recorded message on a customer's answering machine, voicemail service, or even to a "live" person" :
"Do you believe abortionist Henry Morgentaler deserves the Order of Canada Press 1 for Yes Press 2 for ...."
Less than 5%, guys. You should have stuck with freeping the G&M poll.
JJ and Big City Lib investigate the various anti-choice ReformaTory relatives associated with the polling company.
And deBeauxOs at Birth Pangs explains why we should care in a piece about what Operation Rescue has been up to lately.
Here's a little BC history on Campaign Life Coalition's links to Operation Rescue :
Update : Buckets posts screen shots of a page from the one-day-old KLR Vu polling website -
and the US polling website it copied word for word. Rather fitting really, given that our anti-choice websites up here are often also mirror images of U.S. ones. I suppose the inability to spell "Canadians" properly should have tipped us off.
and the US polling website it copied word for word. Rather fitting really, given that our anti-choice websites up here are often also mirror images of U.S. ones. I suppose the inability to spell "Canadians" properly should have tipped us off.
Upperdate : Oooh ... a contest!
Wow. Rather disingenuous. Good work Alison and Fern. I guess there's nothing like a little cognitive dissonance to get one through the day.
Though, to be fair, the assumption that the hang-ups indicate disinterest or disagreement is also not entirely accurate. Some of those hang-ups would have probably agreed with the (skewed) question if they sat through the pre-recorded message.
Still, the low levels of actual support certainly confirms other, more legitimate, polls (e.g. Canadian election studies). This is a classic case of a very loud minority.
It's "Good work, JJ at Unrepentant Old Hippie" too - I'm just tagging along. And now Buckets as well - check out the update.
Yes of course about the hang-ups.
Point being - who wouldn't hang up?
"Point being - who wouldn't hang up?"
Yep - agreed. Especially with the word "abortionist" right in the question text.
(And my apologies to all other intrepid bloggers who I neglected to acknowledge! The infant website plagiarism is particularly hilarious.)
Over sixty percent of Canadians favour protection for the unborn. An Environics poll supported that. Eventually, Canadians will get tired of paying for "retroactive birth control" in lieu of things like cancer treatments and hip replacements, things our useless subsidised healthcare ought to be paying for.
Nice try, Osumashi- read the post first already, why don't you?
You socons are just conning each other here.
Excellent work figuring out the spam angle, Alison. And at 3am too!
What was I trying to do?
Is there a conspiracy going on?
Of course there must be! Anyone with a different point of view is in on it!
Do grow up yourself, anonymous.
Morgentaler exploits women as surely as Hefner and Guccione and has used them to make lots of $. Any woman who thinks he is "on her side" is a damn fool. That Canadians are not, for the most part, socio-political activists reflects more on them than it does on the abortion issue. Everyone hates what they consider to be "telemarketing" and often hangs up on promotions by phone. In other words, the fact that people didn't decide, in a split second, to make a phone campaign their forum for their pro/anti-life beliefs doesn't mean a damn thing. Talk about a "vocal minority" trying to interpret what relatively trivial facts mean for the rest of us.
As O.K. said, the statistics are there, plain as day, that most Canadians, most North Americans, most westerners are for SOME LIMITS being placed on the practice and availability of abortion. Go ahead and argue with statistical fact if you want to look stupid. Then, you can go off to some anti-America rally that suggests George Bush orchestrated 9/11, the moon landing was faked, or some other such nonsense.
The extreme left, which is comprised of aging hippies and young people with strong opinions supported by no knowledge base, is beginning to lose its grip on society and, while I will be patient about it, it can't happen soon enough for me.
Everyone hates what they consider to be "telemarketing" and often hangs up on promotions by phone. In other words, the fact that people didn't decide, in a split second, to make a phone campaign their forum for their pro/anti-life beliefs doesn't mean a damn thing.
Ok, pay attention now anon :
"Do you believe abortionist Henry Morgentaler deserves the Order of Canada Press 1 for Yes Press 2 for ...."
Did you get it that time?
Man oh man the right is humourless.
Oh and you righties can keep your imaginary 9/11 fake moon landing lizard people. We don't want them.
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