"I think there is a very strong, natural pull of the region called Cascadia," Premier Gordon Campbell says in an article on the Discovery Institute website last year.
The Seattle-based Discovery Institute, rather better known for its crusade to teach intelligent design/creationism in schools, is a Cascadia partner with PNWER, a US-Canada public-private sector regional lobby group composed of legislators and business leaders from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, B.C., Alberta, and the Yukon Territory. They are sponsored in this endeavor by Exxon, Enbridge, Encana, British Petroleum, Terasen, Cominco, - well, you get the general idea.
Gordon Campbell is hosting this year's PNWER event starting Sunday July 20 at the Bayshore. Speakers include Stockwell Day, Gary Lunn, Monte Solberg, US Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins, Canadian Ambassador to the US Michael Wilson, and industry stakeholders.
So let's hear it from the fans :
Premier Gordon Campbell : "Working together means we're working on both sides of the border to achieve our goals."
Stockwell Day : "PNWER has had a profound impact on policymaking."
PNWER executive director American Matt Morrison on TILMA : “We did have something to do with the B.C.-Alberta agreement, which I think is a great model that needs to be expanded."
Gosh, I guess that means PNWER is to TILMA what CCCE was to the SPP.
To follow the money : a great post at Owls and Roosters.
Well, I've attended five PNWER summits since 2000 and I can say there have been increasingly alarming projects planned and accomplished along the way.
Privatization of all of Canada's public sector is high on the agenda but behind the number one priority of securing Canada's vast resources for American interests and ownership.
I may yet attend one last time as an "official" but will more than likely be outside with these people:
(sorry: blogger didn't like my tag)
Peace, babies
Protest July 20, 5pm at Westin Bayshore
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