Yes. After whipping their base up into a regular santorum over funding for swears and lefties and rock stars, the government program that supported "Young People Fucking" is still intact, but $40M of moneys to promote Canadian arts and culture has been transferred to fund 2010 Five Ring Circus sports events like the $24.5 million torch relay.
Well you couldn't really see Steve cutting a ribbon to open YPF, could you?
Kudos to Kady and Jennifer at Runesmith for their excellent research.
G&M : Ottawa aims to put its stamp on 2010 Games
Memo from David Emerson to Canadian Heritage, Feb 5 :
"The Minister has recently confirmed with VANOC in writing that the Department of Canadian Heritage intends to invest $20-million toward the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games in order to ensure that the event adequately reflects the priorities of the Government and helps to achieve its domestic and international branding goals."
Ensure...priorities of the Government?
Domestic and international branding goals?
Talk about painting the town blue.
For an insider's take on this : Beijing York
There's that damn branding term again. How I HATE that term.
Some whiz-bang marketing maven coins a word and the whole fucking world swears by it for eternity.
I suggest we get a hot fire going, hold those "5 Golden Rings" in it for about an hour, and stick the damn thing to David Emerson's ass.
Now that's "branding" I could appreciate . . . .
Harper makes me angry. But Corn Cob Bob makes me laugh. I feel so conflicted.
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