Saturday, January 02, 2010

Wish you were here too!

Via Impolitical, who suggests a companion pic of the opposition parties showing up on Jan 25th as originally scheduled to fill the opposition benches would make a very strong statement against the missing rogue PM. The Owelympix stamp is a nice touch, given that parliament is about to be temporarily replaced by photo ops with athletes.
"Last year ministers threatened to go over the head of the de facto head of state if Governor General Michaëlle Jean allowed a coalition of "Liberals, socialists and separatist" to use their Commons majority to topple his minority."
[That would be Baird here]
"This winter Harper is essentially making the argument that Parliament is getting in the way of his government governing."
Responding to news of the prorogation in his New Years letter, Michael Ignatieff writes :

"Canadians are rightly starting to wonder if Conservatives intend to shut down government whenever things don’t go their way.

I’ll be spending the first few months of the year reaching out, travelling from coast to coast, holding town-hall meetings, web forums and small gatherings to hear from Canadians first-hand ...

On March 26 to 28, 2010, some of Canada’s leading progressive thinkers and doers will gather in Montreal for a conference entitled Canada at 150: Rising to the Challenge. They will be part of a national conversation about the Canada we want to be in 2017 when we celebrate our 150th birthday..."

Jebus chripes on a stick ...

Dear Iggy, Wish you were here too.


Anonymous said...

Fucking hell.
That's his response?
Reaching out? Town-hall meetings and small gatherings?
How very absent professor of him.


Alison said...

Here's the full letter :

Friend --

Happy New Year.

I hope you’re starting off 2010 in the spirit of the season, with friends and family, reflecting on the year that’s been and the one that’s just begun.

It seems unbelievable that the Conservative government has prorogued Parliament for the second time in a year. Canadians are rightly starting to wonder if Conservatives intend to shut down government whenever things don’t go their way.

While Conservatives will be in hiding, Liberals will be hard at work over the next few months.

On March 26 to 28, 2010, some of Canada’s leading progressive thinkers and doers will gather in Montreal for a conference entitled Canada at 150: Rising to the Challenge. They will be part of a national conversation about the Canada we want to be in 2017, when we celebrate our 150th birthday, and the steps we can take today and tomorrow to get there.

That conversation starts with you.

That’s why I’ll be spending the first few months of the year reaching out, travelling from coast to coast, holding town-hall meetings, web forums and small gatherings to hear from Canadians first-hand. Your ideas, hopes, concerns and priorities will feed the discussion in Montreal. We’re starting off by visiting university and college campuses across the country – because a conversation about Canada’s future starts with the generation of Canadians that will shape it more than any other.
If you are at one of the universities or colleges I’ll be visiting between January 11th and 18th, or know someone who is, please click here to visit my Facebook page and view the tour schedule. If you’re not on Facebook, you can also click here to view the schedule on the blog – and stay-tuned for the launch of the official Canada at 150 website coming soon.

I’m excited about 2010 – and I hope I’ll have the chance to meet you on the road to Montreal.

Happy New Year and best wishes for the year ahead.

Michael Ignatieff

West End Bob said...

I’m excited about 2010

Not me, if that's the Leader of the "opposition" . . . .

thwap said...

I think Ignatieff is just too stupid to realize he's been handed an opportunity.

I appreciate the academic in him, but it makes him a complete failure as a politician.

The academic part of him makes him stick to his plan and refrain from snap judgments.

The moron part of him makes him a liberal.

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