Oh that's so unfair of me -it's a couple of years old. Ok, here they are again after another fishing trip last year.
But it was this pic of Steve showing up to do a Toronto subway funding presser with Ford last month that had me convinced the Ford crack video was gone forever. Well, that and the fact people in and around that vid were getting shot and arrested or beaten up with pipes.
Why would Steve risk being associated with him?
The Star Today : Police have the video that appears to show mayor smoking crack, Blair says
“I have no reason to resign,” Ford says. Ford friend Alexander Sandro Lisi charged with extortion related to the video, police chief says
"It's safe to say the mayor does appear in the video,” Blair told reporters.
Blair said he has seen the video. His reaction? “As a citizen of the city, I am disappointed.”
In the 44 days, Lisi and Ford had 349 “points of telephone contact,” the documents said.
Ford helped Lisi escape police surveillance at least once, letting his friend sneak into City Hall’s underground employee parking lot, according to allegations in the police’s ITO. On Wednesday, July 24, a detective sergeant with the force’s mobile support unit followed Lisi as he weaved his way through side streets near the Westway. Lisi “was followed to the downtown core where he began to circle the area of Bay Street and Queen Street West, executing U-turns on several occasions,” the police said. Lisi eventually dipped into the underground lot at City Hall. Ford, waiting at the entrance, “swiped him into the controlled access area,” the police said.
Sun News, whose coverage of the Ford crack vid has run mostly to complaining that the Star has it in for Ford and how any idiot could have faked the vid, was still running with that slant up til an hour ago when they suddenly broke off mid rant about the media and went with :
A special afternoon 28-page edition jam-packed with startling revelations about the alleged video showing Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine.
free of charge at select downtown locations.The Star broke the original story and the Sun excoriated them for it week after week. Now the Sun are trying to horn in on their revenue from it.
Well done, Star reporters