Guardian : "Australia's new prime minister, Kevin Rudd, made climate change his top priority on Sunday, seeking advice on ratifying the Kyoto pact and telling Indonesia he will go to December's UN climate summit in Bali.
Rudd, 50, presented himself to voters as a new-generation leader by promising to pull troops out of Iraq and ratify the Kyoto Protocol capping greenhouse gas emissions, further isolating Washington on both issues."
Alriiiiight! Go for it, Steve!
"F'in'" perfect post title and the graphic is INCREDIBLE, Alison ! ! ! !
Perhaps you should trademark it. Check with the TASER (TM) folks to get some tips on that . . . .
I've got to save the pic in my favourites, Thanks!
Me, I'm wondering what Steve said to Sandra on this one......
Hmmm. Quite coincidentally, I broke my blog fast with a wee post on this very subject. It, too, mentioned a dog. Are you hiding behind my computer or something? If you are, if could could be a dear and grab that old half-eaten fig newton, that'd be great.
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