"The Conservative government will use the throne speech and budget to allow for more foreign investment in Canada and fewer bureaucratic hurdles to business, a senior government official said Tuesday. It's also expected to include policies aimed at reducing the regulatory burden, luring foreign investors, relaxing foreign ownership restrictions, and recruiting foreign talent.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet believe Canadian business has relied on a low dollar over the past 20 years to compete internationally rather than investing in equipment and technology needed to become more productive."
"Private sector non-residential capital investment is only expected to increase by 2.8% in 2010. This is despite expectations of an increase in pre-tax corporate profits of 15% this year and 16.5% next year, according to RBC’s latest forecast .
After tax corporate profits are set to rise even faster, with Harper and Flaherty’s corporate tax cuts giving up $8.6 billion in revenues this year, rising to almost $15 billion in 2013/14."
The last thing I want to sound like is defending Harper and his merry little band of scum, but what would be your solution to this problem?
I really do not see either Harper or Ignatieff with any ideas whatsoever. For both parties, they merely bicker over the size of the next corporate tax cut. We also have a tiny group of Toronto-based cronies selling this country out one bit at a time and using their media and money influence to drive the public agenda in directions they want.
Speaking as a mechanical engineer, who returned to school to "improve my job skills" and graduated last April at the age of 36, the job market in this country is basically boned. At 36, I've had to move back in with my chain-smoking parents and the best I can get is a few hours here and there at a local production facility doing manual labour.
It appears that I'm going to have to leave the country, and if I do, I have no intention of paying my student loan. Of course, I'm deluding myself a tiny bit by thinking that I would even have the ability to pay it if I moved abroad.
What I've come to realize is that Canadians are actually more stupid than the Americans as many here seem prone to mock our neighbours whenever their political system offers up some for of outlandish comedy.
We are in MUCH worse shape than they are and no amount of cheerleading from our beloved Finance Minister can change that. It's so bad here that I'm not even sure there is even a solution and, finally, I've also come to realize that the Bloc Quebecois were ahead of the rest of the country in detecting how badly off-course we've become. It should make people wonder why the people who first labelled themselves canadien no longer want to be identified that way and as a (trilingual) anglophone, I think they're on to something.
Just my $0.02.
Thank you for your $.02, Anon.
I am sorry for your troubles, shared by so many.
Yes our smugness re the US is ridiculously delusional.
I don't have a solution that fits in a commbox, other than we have to stop feeding this beast and insist on our ways of living outside it.
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