I know, I know ....everyone is sick to death of hearing about this dreadful cartoon depicting Buddha's plot for global domination, and of course it will be very inconvenient to have Buddhists the world over take to the streets firebombing KFC's and movie theaters in protest.
However I feel an obligation to publish it because freedom of speech is much too important to take a backseat to common sense and frankly I'm just not getting enough attention over here.
Did you make that one?
Buddhists for World Domination - heh!
Very clever use of the Buddhist/Hindu swastika - it took me a minute.
As a Buddhist, I'm very upset that you have chosen to depict our deity in cartoon form. Noooooo, wait! No I'm not. Don't have a deity really, but just - next time, could you make him/her/it look a little less like the Green Hulk? OOOOMMMMMMMMMMM
Hey, ween, you guys should really get yourselves a deity like the Hulk - someone who can't be knocked down if you happen to meet him on the road to world domination.
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