From Democratic Space - Oct 13, 2008 :
Vancouver/Lower Mainland Seat Projections
(DS uses yellow to denote a seat change since the last election - Emerson, Blair Wilson)
The rest of Canada's seat projections according to DS here. YMMV.
Strategic voting = Stop Harper
If your chosen candidate is third or fourth place down in the polls in your own riding and cannot possibly beat the Con, vote for which ever other party has the best hope of doing so.
If the Cons or any other party has a lock on your riding for sure, vote for whoever you like.
And please remember : All politics is local - you can only shift the vote in your own riding, no matter what is happening nationally.
Scott's non-partisan pitch for SV here.
My own grudging rant here.
Vote For Environment has a list of 40 ridings in which the Cons are projected to win but "3rd to 6th parties could defeat the Cons by joining the second party". Shown are projected number of votes required from parties polling in 3rd to 6th place to put the second place party ahead of the Cons. For example, according to their projection, Richmond only needs 150 Lib votes from the Greens or NDP in order to defeat the Con frontrunner.
Yeah, I know, it's all hypothetical but - only 150 votes!
Correction : VFE's list actually has 62 close ridings listed, not 40 as stated above when I missed page 2 - doh.
Yesterday, while campaigning in your riding, Harpercon said: "That is why we and Mr. Dion must get a mandate for the good of the country."
No one seemed to notice.
I thought they were still pretending to be separate parties.
Sure thing AnonAbove....
More to the point, there are the eight, yes eight!, LeftCoast ridings that are, according to the always careful Greg Morrow, 'Too Close To Call With A Con Involved'.
These are: VanQuad....NorthVan.... SurreyNorth.....Richmond....NewtonNorthDelta...Van IsleNorth....Saanich...Esquimalt....
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